2024 HCA Design Guidelines


External service providers Section Summary

Often there will be a requirement for external service providers to attend site to provide onsite temporary or ‘pop up’ services to the residents such as medical and other health services, employment, and other government services. This also extends to more permanent service providers such as Supported Independent Living (SIL) providers who provide service support to SDA residents. External Service Providers Considerations Checklist: • Consider the functionality of the building for external service providers, for whom the building is a workplace. This might include SIL providers who frequently move in and out of buildings to support SDA residents (refer A8.03 for OOA requirements). • Consider provision of a shared office space where nominated by Housing Choices which could be shared by service providers supporting SDA residents or could be hot desks in the Housing Choices office (refer A8.04:Housing Choices onsite office requirements). • Any onsite office provisions for external service providers must be confirmed with Housing Choices at the briefing stage.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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