2024 HCA Design Guidelines


Showers Showers Considerations Checklist: • Shower recesses within bathrooms must be stepless/hobless and preference is to have no show-er bases. • Shower screens if used must be easily removable and flooring must run underneath. • Adjustable shower heads should be provided as standard – refer specification schedule in Part F of this document. Shower recesses should be located next to corners within a room for the future installation of grab rails. • Tiled recess preferred over wall mounted shelf. • Showers over baths are unacceptable.

B5.03 Baths

Baths Considerations Checklist: • Showers over baths are unacceptable.

• Baths are to be built into a tiled upstand. To facilitate ease of entry/exit the maximum height of any bath must no exceed 600mm AFFL. Any variation to this requires prior approval from Hous-ing Choices. • Ensure the method of installing the bath is such that there is no settlement in the bath that may cause water ingress. • Bath surrounds are to be tiled with same tile as that used on the adjoining walls. • Walls adjacent to baths must be reinforced to support the future installation of grabrails. High Density Bath Considerations Checklist: In high density developments a percentage of apartments should accommodate a bath. Refer to Table 03 below as a guide. Discuss any deviations from this with Housing Choices.

SDA Showers Considerations Checklist: • Refer to NDIS SDA Design Standard.

• Ensure water temperature can be controlled to prevent scolding of persons with impaired sensory function (ie TMV or equivalent safety alternative).

Table 03: Bath Requirements for Multi-Residential Developments

Dwelling Type


1 Bedroom Dwelling


2 Bedroom Dwelling

30% of dwellings

3 Bedroom Dwelling

50% of dwellings

4 Bedroom Dwelling

All dwellings

SDA Baths Considerations Checklist: • Refer to NDIS SDA Design Standard. • Baths are generally not required for SDA dwellings but will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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