2024 HCA Design Guidelines

B9 Storage


Storage Section Summary

Note: Any state based regulatory requirements for storage take precedent.

Low Density Storage Considerations Checklist: • Storage within the unit is preferable over external storage units. • In single bedroom units and housing for the aged consider the following: ○ Houses or dwelling units without carports must have a secured and weatherproof storage area for parking and recharging an electric 3- or 4-wheel scooter. ○ A roofed verandah within the curtilage of a secure private space capable of sheltering an electric shooter may be acceptable. ○ Standing area required for electric scooters is 1500mm x 800mm with the verandah at least 1.50m wide with a minimum length to include an adjacent doorway. ○ Where facing the prevailing weather, additional strategies should be applied including screens or extended eaves. ○ An external electrical outlet must also be provided for battery charging.

Storage is to be secure and waterproof and ideally located where passive surveillance naturally occurs. Project team members are to discuss with the appointed Housing Choices development or project manager whether storage is better located within dwellings or externally, potentially in common areas. The following key considerations should inform the storage strategy: • Security of stored goods • Function of storage space, for example deep storage (occasional use) or frequently used items • Cost of storage solution • Minimising the potential of hoarding by future resident/s • Fire risk factors • Protection of stored goods from the elements and water egress High Density Storage Considerations Checklist: • Where possible all high-density apartment developments should allow for a single, enclosed storage unit per apartment minimum 6m3. If storage is located in carpark, the height will be limited by requirement to ensure there 500mm clearance from any sprinkler heads. • Storage cage doors and public facing elevations to be Colourbond cladding. Dividing walls and top of cages to be chain mesh. • Wire fronted storage cages should be avoided where possible. • All storage cages are to have a hinged security door able to be locked, as a minimum, with a barrel bolt capable of accepting a padlock. • If a proprietary system is used with integrated locks, all storage units are to be keyed differently. • Hinges must be capable of full swing path in either direction when not obstructed by adjacent partitions. • Plinths within storage units or raised above bonnet storage units are preferred to eliminate condensation and flooding issues. • Allow for a lockable storage room large enough for tenants moving in or out to store the contents of their apartment, nominally 30-40m2.

SDA Storage Considerations Checklist: • Refer to NDIS SDA Design Standard .

• An additional 1200mm high (min.) storage cabinet provided in the bathroom, with a maximum depth of 450mm, adjacent to the basin for storage of personal care items .


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