2024 HCA Design Guidelines


Community gardens Section Summary


Irrigation Irrigation Considerations Checklist • Common landscaped areas shall be irrigated by a standard automatic watering system to ensure the vegetation can be established in its infancy and well maintained. • Irrigation for landscaping is to be reticulated from water tanks where provided. Tank size to be determined by engineer. • Provide lockable taps connected to rainwater retention tank. • Ensure any pumps to water tanks are concealed from view. • Ensure all downpipes and fittings to tanks are in the same material finish for consistency, ie all colourbond or all galvanized steel. There should be no PVC connections to colourbond or galvanized steel.

Any community gardens, where provided, must be functional and meet the needs of residents and the local community, maximise opportunities for social interaction between the residents and deliver health and wellbeing benefits such as local food production, social interaction, and exercise. Community Gardens Considerations Checklist: • Site must be assessed for soil contamination to ensure community gardens are viable. If soil contamination mitigation measures are required Housing Choices must understand the extent and approve likely cost of remediation prior to proceeding. • Community garden plots should be located to ensure garden beds receive sunlight for a minimum of six hours per day. • All community gardens must have access to a convenient source of water suitable for watering garden beds. • There must be passive surveillance of the community garden space. • Community gardens must include adequate space for compost bins. • Soil in community gardens must be suitable for growing food for consumption. • The community garden must be accessible for maintenance and materials delivery. • Ensure there is a lockable space provided to accommodate garden tools, equipment, and materials. SDA Community Gardens Considerations Checklist: • All garden bed areas should include universal height planters, accessible pathways, and consideration of easy access to water.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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