2024 HCA Design Guidelines

C4 Roofing

C5 Walls


Roofing Section Summary Provide watertight roofing including sarking, insulation, flashings, cappings, guttering and down pipes to suit terrain category. Roofing Considerations Checklist: • All roofing is to be constructed in Colorbond on steel framing, timber framing or concrete with insulation to comply with Council and BCA requirements. Where concrete is used, it is to be finished with waterproof membrane, gravel, and insulation (if required). Where steel framing is used, consideration should be afforded to insulation requirements and potential for thermal bridging. • Roof structure to be sufficient for additional services such as solar voltaic grid system and hot water solar panels. • If steel is used the structure is to be acoustically treated to minimise rain noise. • Avoid balconies, decks, or any external uncovered spaces over habitable spaces below. • Eaves gutters are preferred from both a maintenance and prevention of water ingress aspect. • Guttering must be designed to meet all relevant regulations and building codes. • All valley gutters must be capable of carrying 1:50 year rainfall. Stormwater drainage design to provide overland flow paths independent of drainage system must be provided for Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event. • Provide leaf guards for gutters. • Provide access to roof areas including walkways, ladders and guardrails, safety anchors and brackets for maintenance that comply with state based occupational health and safety requirements. • High rise or High Denisity projects with plant deck roof should utilise symphonic drainage system for rainwater collection.


Walls Section Summary

Walls must be based on approved systems and fit-for-purpose. All wall types must be documented in a wall schedule prior to tender and include performance detail such as fire rating, smoke, acoustic, impact resistance, waterproofing, etc. The following key considerations should inform the proposed wall types: • Thermal comfort • Requirement for acoustic separation between spaces or dwellings • Cost of wall construction • Embedded carbon associated with materials included in wall build-ups • consider common local building practices and the availability and cost of trades. For example, in Western Australia, brick wall construction and brick laying trades are prevalent and relatively cost effective. Walls Considerations Checklist: • Allow for wall thicknesses that can accommodate a variety of wall construction types and finishes. Wall thickness must be determined prior to planning commencement to avoid future problems. Generally external masonry walls are acceptable. Generally, brick party walls with bagging or render or direct-stick plasterboard are acceptable. • Walls must comply with acoustic engineer’s advice regarding acoustic protection of external walls and internal partitions. • Lightweight wall construction systems are acceptable for all internal walls. Generally, 13 mm impact resistant plasterboard on timber stud at 450 mm centres is acceptable. • Provide 13mm plywood to the stud walls of all bathrooms and powder rooms for all designated ‘Silver’ level bathrooms as per LHA Guidelines for future installation of grab rails/handrails. • External walls to include ventilation openings, flashings, damp-proof courses, termite control, insulation,and control joints. • Wall types to be specified using the CSR wall systems (Red Book) or similar approved to ensure compliance and fit for purpose systems are documented. • An acoustic engineer is to be engaged to determine the acoustic requirements.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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