2024 HCA Design Guidelines

C6 Floors


Internal linings Section Summary Internal linings must be robust, easily repaired and fit for purpose. Internal Linings Considerations Checklist: • Wall types to be specified using the CSR wall systems (Red Book) or similar approved to ensure compliance and fit for purpose systems are documented. • Mould-resistant silicone to all internal tiled corners. • Bathroom spaces should be acoustically separated from other habitable


Floors Section Summary

Base build structure must consider floor build ups and set downs for showers and wet area falls (including waterproofing and tanking in compliance with the BCA) and balconies to achieve flush transitions between spaces. Floors Considerations Checklist: • Step free threshold to balconies is required. • At least one step-free entry per dwelling is required. • Ensure all falls and required set downs to achieve nominated falls have been allowed for as per the BCA. • Ensure set downs are calculated to accommodate floor build ups and to prevent steps at any material change. • Ensure any concrete floor slabs have 3mm max tolerance to avoid future topping for timber floors. • Surface to maintain integrity and remain level over time. This is particularly relevant to external paths and accessways. SDA Floors Considerations Checklist: • Refer to NDIS SDA Design Standard. • Robust floor finishes are preferred which are resilient to wear from mobility aids. • All internal flooring shall be firm, even, and resistant to water damage. • Carpet is not acceptable within SDA dwellings as it is not sufficiently robust to withstand wheelchair use over time • To facilitate adequate draining of water and functionality for a person using wheeled mobility devices, AS 1428.1 (2009) recommends floor grades between 1:60 and 1:80 (for the shower area) and between 1:80 and 1:100 (for the rest of the bathroom). • One consistent slope throughout the entire Accessible Bathroom / Ensuite (e.g. 1:80) will simplify ease of movement for a person using wheeled equipment. Draining to a single perimeter strip drain provides a minimalist look and feel, commonly expected within contemporary dwellings Note: Refer to section B11.01 for Floors & Thresholds

rooms, acoustic insulation may be required to achieve. • Linings and wall build ups to consider service zones.

• All services must be concealed. Where internal masonry walls are exposed internally, ensure all services are located and future proofing allowed for to avoid rebates or exposed conduit having to be installed at a later date. • Fire, acoustics, and insulation must meet code requirements. Consider locations of any equipment that could be added by the tenant that may compromise the fire or acoustic properties ie. wall mounted TVs. • An acoustic engineer is to be engaged to determine the acoustic requirements. High Density Internal Linings Considerations Checklist: • It is preferred that fire rated and acoustically treated walls between apartments are masonry. Hebel panels are considered masonry. Lightweight Gyproc systems are still acceptable. • High Density projects require particular consideration of acoustic performance to walls and floors, especially as relating to habitable spaces, party walls and interfaces with mechanical equipment. An acoustic engineer to be engaged from early design phases to provide advice through development of design. SDA Internal Linings Considerations Checklist: • Wall finishes must be robust to withstand physical damage resulting from collisions between mobility aids and walls. Consider discrete corner guards. • Full height water-resistant lining to shower recess and any walls exposed to shower spray.


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