2024 HCA Design Guidelines

D1 Building services generally

D2 Mechanical


Building services generally Section Summary


Heating and cooling Section Summary

All building services included in a project require ongoing maintenance or inspection. Therefore, all services are to be located to allow for safe and easy access for maintenance, repair, and replacement. If access requires the use of fall restraint equipment, suitable restraint anchor points must be provided. Generally, where access panels are required within dwellings, they are to be discrete, flush fitting proprietary products with concealed flanges and close-fitting joints between panel and ceiling. Ceiling bulkheads within dwellings are to be avoided where possible. Where required they are to be kept to a minimum depth and positioned to be harmonious to architectural and built in elements. The metering of all services installed shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of relevant Government Authority requirements, the relevant state or territory Act where applicable, and the in line with drafted by laws (South Australia), Owners Corporation rules (Victoria) or state/ territory equivalent, where applicable. General Building Services and Systems Considerations Checklist: • Water services to all dwellings are to be metered separately. • Electrical services to all dwellings are to be metered separately. (This can be achieved with check meters where a consolidated energy system is being utilized). • Common areas are to be metered separately. • Where there is a stratum subdivision there shall be separate metering of services to each part lot. Install additional sub metering to allow for an equitable division of costs amongst all residents and/or owners. • Where meters are not to be read remotely, the meters must be located in a common area.

Provide heating, cooling, and ventilation systems suitable for the required function and geographic location of the project. Provide systems that maximise life expectancy of equipment and consider a balance of quality, cost, ongoing maintenance and repair costs, minimising operational energy consumption, anticipated resident cohort, and current and projected future climatic conditions. Many of our residents prefer operable windows and cross ventilation where possible as it is more cost effective and therefore a high priority for Housing Choices dwellings. All areas of the project not served adequately by means of natural ventilation must be provided with mechanical ventilation equipment that achieves in excess of the minimum fresh air and change of air requirements of the Building Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards. Where mechanical air conditioning is deemed not required by the project team and Housing Choices development or project manager, consider including provisions to allow for future installation by others. Heating and Cooling Design Criteria Checklist: • Mechanical heating and cooling services to dwellings must comply with Residential Tenancy Act in the relevant jurisdiction (state or territory). • Ambient Conditions*: ○ Summer 34.5 db, 22`C WB, full solar load. ○ Winter 2`C 80% RH, no solar load. • Internal Conditions: ○ Cooling 24~C DB+/-2.OC 50%RH normal. ○ Heating 22~c db nominal. • Heat Load: To be determined based on room use and extent of lights. • Ventilation air quantity: Outside air and exhaust quantities to be in accordance with requirements of Australian Standard AS 1668.2-2012, and NCC. • Apartment outside air ventilation airflow rates will be in accordance with NCC requirements.


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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