2024 HCA Design Guidelines

D7 Fire services & egress


Fire Services & Egress Design Criteria Section Summary

• A fire consultant must be engaged to provide the fire strategy for any new development.

This section looks to ensure that fire safety systems services are designed to protect the buildings, and their residents and visitors in the case of fire.

Note: Refer to section A3.04 Fire stairs for material requirements.

Fire Services & Egress Design Criteria Considerations Checklist: • Compliance with Building Code of Australia (BCA) • Compliance with Australian Standards • Compliance with local Fire Brigade requirements. • Compliance with Fire Engineering Report. • Compliance with Local Water Authority requirements. • Compliance with an funder requirements, such as Department of Heath and Human Services (DHHS) Capital Development Guidelines as applicable to all projects with a Director’s interest (Homes Victoria).

Sprinklers Sprinklers Considerations Checklist: • Sprinkler protection where required in accordance with the BCA, Australian Standard AS2118 or as determined by Fire Engineer. • If the property is owned by DHS ensure the fire and sprinkler systems are designed in accordance with their requirements. • Concealed sprinkler heads are required to all projects with a Director’s interest (Homes Victoria), as detailed in DHHS Capital Development Guidelines. SDA Sprinklers Considerations Checklist: • All SDA dwellings include sprinkle protection regardless of dwelling type. • New buildings containing SDA and/or accessible dwellings should comply with AS1428.1 and/or AS1428.2 and are to be provided with sprinklers. Sprinklers must be zoned with a sprinkler control valve and flow switch on each level. Preference for flow switches to be fire brigade calling, in lieu of pressure switches, to minimise false alarms. • Fire services and sprinkler system designed in accordance with DHHS requirements – refer to DHHS Capital Development Guidelines. Lifts for use during evacuation Section Summary Fire Service Controls in lift to be installed to satisfy intent of C1. E3.7 of NCC and in full compliance with AS1735.1&2.



Smoke detectors Smoke Detector Considerations Checklist:

• All dwellings must be fitted with an appropriate number of hard-wired smoke detectors (hard wired, hush function, 10-year lithium battery, interlinked, or similar). • Where two or more detectors are required these detectors are to be linked such that when one alarm sounds, all will sound.

SDA Smoke Detector Considerations Checklist: • Smoke Alarms incorporate both auditory and visual alerts (ie. strobe).


Fire stairs Fire Stairs Considerations Checklist:


• In projects that includes SDA apartments, a refuge area is required in fire and smoke stairs with an emergency telephone (red phone) installed in accordance with MFB GL-01 and control panel next to FIP. • Consideration is to be given to a fire-isolated refuge space for residents with a disability who may require support to evacuate.


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