2024 HCA Design Guidelines

E1 Sustainable Design


Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Section Summary

requirements (Green Star and NatHERS). • Identification of enhancements and innovation opportunities over and above minimum project requirements as outlined in Table 07 below.

Housing Choices aims to deliver sustainable and high-quality developments that contribute to health and wellbeing of our residents, the longevity of housing stock and which minimise the cost of living for residents. ESD objectives will be at the core of the planning, design, and development for buildings but also any associated precincts. The project ESD strategy should seek to capitalise on the scale of development to reduce ecological footprint while creating inclusive, well connected, and healthy places to live. Housing Choices aims to demonstrate leadership in the sustainability space with a commitment to minimising greenhouse gas emissions and promoting renewable energy initiatives with the aim for all Housing Choices projects to be carbon neutral in operations by 2030. The ESD requirements are: • In High Density projects, all individual dwellings must achieve a minimum 6-star NatHERS rating, and average 7-star rating across all dwellings. • There have been recent updates to the National Construction Code (2022) which have increased the minimum thermal performance requirements of dwellings. Project team members are to coordinate with the project building surveyor and Housing Choices development manager to determine specific project requirements. Individual states and territories are currently phasing in this mandatory requirement over a transitionary period. Details of adoption dates for each jurisdiction can be found at the Australian Building Codes Board: https://abcb.gov.au/ ncc-2022-state-and-territory-adoption-dates • Green Star rating requirement of minimum 4-stars (refer Green Star requirements section below for further detail). • Specific mandated Green Star credit requirements for Social Housing Dwellings. • ESD enhancements (encouraged in addition to above requirements).

NatHERS requirements: High Density Housing Choices developments are required to achieve a minimum average NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme) rating of at least 7 Stars across the total project, with no individual dwelling achieving less than 6 Stars. NatHERS ratings shall be calculated as an average per building, and not for the package as a whole. i.e. a higher performing building within a larger site with more than one building cannot compensate for a lower performing building in the same development, and each building must individually achieve an average 7 Stars.

Housing Choices may require that compliance is being met at key design milestones.

Green Star requirements: The Development must be self-certified at a minimum 4 Star rating, using the Green Star Buildings tool, available from the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). This requirement applies to all building elements within the scope of works that are eligible to be rated under the tool. This includes all residential buildings and any other community or commercial components. This requirement may exclude aspects that are only able to be certified under a Green Star Communities tool. A Green Star Communities rating is not a mandated requirement. However, ESD enhancements may include a rating or adoption of individual elements from the tool.

ESD objectives have been developed to guide: • Selection of specific components to meet the ESD performance


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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