2024 HCA Design Guidelines

E1.01 Environmental Sustainable Design cont... Initiative Towards Net Zero Emissions Implementation of elements that move towards, or

The ESD objectives are outlined in the sections below and focus on the following: Health & wellbeing • Protect the health of residents, particularly those more vulnerable, through a focus on safe indoor temperatures, internal air quality, limiting stress stemming from utility costs, and climate change adapted urban strategies. • Resource and Material Consumption and Environmental Impacts. • Prioritise passive solar orientation, care for the natural environment and contribute towards the achievement of net zero greenhouse gas emissions strategies across all Housing Choices properties by 2030. Future Proofing • Design to incorporate future ready and resilient infrastructure and features (for example, in climate aspects of climate risk, energy security and management, water, waste, landscape and transport systems). Target, Evaluate & Learn • Target likely performance outcomes and goals during the design phase, validate the level to which outcomes have been delivered using post occupancy assessment tools and techniques, and incorporate learnings into future housing developments.

achieve, a ‘net zero emissions’ condition. This may include aspects such as: • Onsite renewable generation, particularly solar PV. No gas fired electricity generation to be used. • Onsite energy storage. • Microgrids: looking at incorporate renewable energy, energy storage and demand management technologies • Future proofing for net zero. • Potential for ‘fully electric’, avoiding onsite gas or combustion fuel use. • Community energy: Community-Owned Renewable Energy, including potential business models that facilitate distribution of onsite generation to residents. When using NatHERS software in non-regulatory free running mode (with no heating or cooling applied), demonstrate that the internal temperature of any apartment zone will remain within a specified temperature zone for a standard climate year, or a specific climate data scenario. For example, achieving a temperature range of 16 - 28 degrees C. Procurement innovation to achieve higher performance building systems, or sustainable products or materials, for the same or similar price to common (more environmentally damaging) alternatives, including ‘industry capacity building’ approaches from the Green Star Communities tool. Provide higher levels of secure storage for each unit that can be used for bicycle parking. Provide car parking areas that are adaptable for future use conversion to habitable space.

Achieve climate adapted indoor comfort band

Passive solar design Section Summary


Where possible, high energy efficiency standards are to be achieved through passive solar design principles and building envelope design rather than active energy generation systems. Passive Solar Design Considerations Checklist: • M aximise passive solar design benefits through orientation of living areas facing north and reductions in east and west window heat loads; Provide effective eaves or other form of solar shading to control impact of summer sun. • Green deciduous tree planting to provide screening to habitable rooms to reduce radiant heat gains in summer but facilitate solar access in winter months. • Ensure natural light is maximised to reduce reliance on artificial lighting .

Procurement innovation

Secure bicycle storage

Car parking conversion


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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