2024 HCA Design Guidelines


Building envelope & materials Section Summary

food production, gardening, communal zone, laundry drying areas etc. • Integrate green spaces with indigenous planting to encourage biodiversity. Urban green spaces have wide reaching positive impacts on the health of individuals and communities near the green space.

Building designs should be developed in consideration of the embodied energy and total lifecycles of all selected building materials and systems. Thermal mass should be employed to maintain thermal stability throughout all seasons. Building Envelope & Materials Considerations Checklist: • All new dwellings should achieve an average energy rating of at least 7 stars NatHERs rating and minimum individual rating of 6 stars. The project team to verify minimum statutory thermal requirements at commencement of project also. • High levels of bulk insulation are to be provided to wall and ceiling cavities, together with draught exclusion, to provide appropriate thermal comfort. • Double glazing should be used as a minimum. • Reduce the use of materials from non-renewable sources. • Incorporate durable, low embodied energy materials that will reduce the environmental impact of the development as well as lower ongoing maintenance costs. • Use low volatile organic compound (VOC) paint throughout. • Any flat metal roof decks should be minimised, light in colour and be sensitive to issues of reflectivity.


Transport Section Summary

Reduce problems caused by motorised vehicles in particular: air pollution, CO 2 exhaust, water pollution, victims of traffic accidents, noise, time loss in traffic-jams, use of space, loss of recreational space and fragmentation of nature, landscape and urban environments.


Waste Section Summary

Reduce the impact of waste on the environment by diverting goods from landfill as far as possible, reducing demolition waste, reclaiming materials where possible, and encouraging the development of innovative strategies to minimise waste. Waste Considerations Checklist: • Minimise the generation of waste and encourage recycling during construction. Project aim is to divert a minimum85 per cent of waste from landfill. • Consider materials that a made from recycled products. • Consider selecting materials that can be recycled or repurposed at the end of building life. • Provide on-site organic waste treatment or alternatively provision of green waste collection services as part of waste management strategy. On-site composting systems provide compost supply benefitting any on-site community or residential gardens. • Provide facilities for on-site recycling collection with independent waste streams. • Seek to include additional waste streams as part of waste management strategy to divert as much waste from landfill during building operations. Additional waste streams include green waste, e-waste, soft plastics, glass, etc.


Urban ecology Section Summary

Development should be planned and constructed in such a way that minimises the urban effects on the surrounding environment (urban heat island, precipitation, etc.) as well as optimizing ecological activity.

Urban Ecology Considerations Checklist: • Consider materials that reduce the reflective power of surfaces in urban areas. • Consider incorporating roof terraces, extensive green roofs, and gardens where budget permits. These active landscapes can facilitate


Housing Choices Australia | Design Guidelines

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