Prodir Novelties 2022

Into the great wide open!

Novelties 2022


There’s more beyond the horizon.

The new Cloud Pens

Time and space are relative concepts. Not just for Einstein but for you too, when you communicate using a Cloud Pen – because your message is unrestricted by bounda- ries, and the length of time it’s available for is potentially endless. You’re able to change every word, every link, every video whenever you like, tweak every call to action and measure its impact. Cloud Pens are a bespoke service for digital marketing with a landing page, dashboard, retargeting feature and more. And, for everything that’ll make your analogue heart beat a bit faster, there are some great writing instruments that’ll take what you’re promising in the virtual world and put it in a sensory nutshell in haptic and visual form.

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Haptic goes digital

Made with FlippingBook flipbook maker