FyzicalElPaso: Correct Shin Splints


February, 2020


INSIDE: • How Physical Therapy Can Help • Relieve Leg Pain In Minutes • Patient Success Spotlight • Seasonal Recipe

Is your runner’s high being stifled by pain in your shins or legs? Do they tend to throb after your daily jogs, or ache simply after moving quickly to catch up with someone? If so, you may be experiencing shin splints. Shinsplints,alsomedicallyreferredtoas“medialtibialstresssyndrome,” occurswhenthere isexcessivestressonyourshinboneand itssurrounding tissues. These tissues connect your muscles to your bones, and when they become inflamed, it can become painful. They are most common in runners, due to the stress of impact that the shins face while running; however, shin splints can present themselves in anyone whose lifestyle includes substantial physical demand. Shin splints can be painful and debilitating toward your daily life, but physical therapy can fortunately help alleviate the pain and correct the condition.Tospeakwithsomeoneabouthowphysicaltherapycanhelp fix your shin splints, call our office today! Causes of shin splints: Therearemanycommoncausesofshinsplints, including, but not limited to: • Previous injury. If you have had a foot, leg, or shin injury in the past, your risk of shin splints may be heightened. • Sport participation. Some sports have a higher risk of shin splints CORRECT YOUR SHIN SPLINTS WITH PHYSICAL THERAPY

Whether you have pain or have been suffering for a long time, seeing a physical therapist at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers can help you return to a more active and pain-free life. Give us a call at the location nearest you! than others, especially those with high levels of running and/or jumping. • Body mass. IfyouhaveaBMIgreaterthan20.2,yourprobability toward developing shin splints may be higher. • Overpronation. This is also referred to as the act of flattening the arches of one’s feet while standing, walking, or running. A flat arch creates a greater risk of shin splints. • Hipmotion. Thiscanberelatedtosportorgeneralgait, inwhich the hips move through a greater range than what is typical. This iscommon insportssuchasdance,gymnastics,orcheerleading, but can also be due to an abnormality in the way one walks. • Improper shoes. Wearing shoes that are ill-fitted or that don’t provideproperarchsupportcan increaseyourriskofshinsplints. • Lack of stretching. If you complete a run or workout without warm-upandcool-downstretches,yourmusclesandtissuescan become irritated, increasing your risk of shin splints. •Generalweakness. Ifyouhaveweakankles,hips,orcoremuscles, you may be at a greater risk of developing shin splints. This can be corrected through strength training exercises.

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