Introduction Background
The I-4 corridor serves as a major transportation corridor not only for Hillsborough County but also for the greater region. The I-4 corridor has been extensively studied. First in 2010, the Hillsborough County Planning and Growth Management Department and Planning Commission staff evaluated the I-4 corridor to identify areas of opportunity for potential economic development. Most recently, in 2017, the County engaged the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to conduct an I-4 Corridor Advisory Service Report which analyzed the feasibility of sustainable development strategies in the I-4 corridor area. The report focused on the area between I-75 and Plant City, linking future land use policy and infrastructure investments to desired economic development outcomes including targeted industries. ULI recommended that the County should plan for mixed-use nodes of development over time along the I-4 corridor while preserving the County’s unique and rural character. The panel’s major recommendation is to hold the line throughout the county and take a phased approach to accommodate this new growth with density…However, the (USA) boundary will need to be revisited and reevaluated on a regular basis to decide how it might need to move to accommodate future growth. But this revision must be done in a planned way, which is described in greater detail throughout this report. Project Purpose
This report serves as a planning level analysis to examine the capacity and quality of existing infrastructure, land, transportation, and public utilities as it relates to the area defined in the ULI study. This infrastructure analysis will provide a baseline level of infrastructure provisions upon which recommendations for capital investment strategies, growth management strategies, and quality of life enhancements could be predicated in the future.
Figure 1: I-4 Corridor and I-75
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