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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 AGRESSION À LA GARDERIE Un homme de 47 ans de Clarence Creek est accusé de voies de fait, à la suite d’une enquête policière sur un conflit familial survenu le 16 janvier, dans une garderie de Rockland. Le dossier d’incident de la PPO indique que la plainte concernait une altercation entre un parent et un enfant. Les noms et les détails n’ont pas été dévoilés afin de protéger l’identité de la victime, NEIGHBOURHOOD FLOODS Homeowners in the Curran village area asked Alfred-Plantagenet Township council to do something about small-scale flooding in their neighbourhood. The situation involves one of the municipal drainage areas. Eric Leroux, municipal drainage superintendent, has contacted a landowner with property along the drainage about doing necessary land management work to correct the situa- tion. The township has no authority to go onto private property to do the work.– The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) received a certificate of recogni- tion from the Canadian Forces Liaison Council for its support of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves, through the Cadet Co-Operative Education Program. The two-credit program offers cadet- training courses and is available to all students through the UCDSB Summer Semester Program. Gregg Chamberlain MILITARY HONOUR

#*(1-"/4'03363"-*/5&3/&54&37*$& GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

Rural Internet service in Prescott- Russell could become faster and better than ever when a private-sector upgrade project gets underway. “We have many (service) towers which will be upgraded over the next few months,” said Chris Phillips, Xplornet sales manager GPS&BTUFSOBOE/PSUIFSO0OUBSJPXIPNFU  along with several company officials, with 6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUUBOE3VTTFMM DPVODJM 6$13 +BOVBSZ UPFYQMBJOUIF company’s Connect to Innovate project (CTI). “CTI will allow us to expand broadband service to 38,000 households in Prescott- Russell and Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry,” explained Steve Van Groningen, corporate BGGBJSTNBOBHFSGPSUIF/FX#SVOTXJDLCBTFE Internet service company, which specializes in serving rural areas, “There will be an overall improvement in speed and capacity BDSPTTUIFOFUXPSLu CTI is a $24 million expansion project for 9QMPSOFU XJUIUIFDPNQBOZJOWFTUJOH million of its own funds and the federal HPWFSONFOUQSPWJEJOHNJMMJPOVOEFS its rural broadband improvement program GVOE5IFQSPKFDUJOWPMWFTJOTUBMMJOHLJMP - metres of hybrid fibre-optic line throughout UIFSFHJPO TFUUJOHVQXJSFMFTTTNBMM cell tower booster stations, and installing or upgrading 32 main towers. When complete, Van Groningen noted, all 38,000 rural households in Prescott-Russell BOE4%( MJOLFEUPUIF9QMPSOFUTZTUFNXJMM have faster Internet access service, with BDDFTTTQFFETPGVQUPNFHBCZUFTQFS second downloading time. 7BO(SPOJOHFOOPUFEUIBUUIF6$13T support for Xplornet’s CTI proposal helped the company get federal investment in the QSPKFDU)FUPMEUIFFJHIUNBZPSTPO6$13 DPVODJMUIBUUIFDPNQBOZOPXTFFLTIFMQ XJUIGBTUUSBDLJOHQFSNJUUJOHBQQSPWBMT BOE

Steve Van Groningen, de Xplornet, présente le plan du fournisseur d’accès Internet rural, pour une mise à niveau de 24 millions de dollars de son système pour les ménages et les entreprises de Prescott-Russell, lors de la session du 15 janvier du conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

support for rights-of-way access, to speed up project construction when it begins later in the year. Alfred-Plantagenet Township Mayor 4UÊQIBOF4BSSB[JOBTLFEIPXNVDIUIF upgraded Internet service would cost house- holds. He noted that some rural homeowners have limited budgeting flexibility and might OFFEUPDIPPTFCFUXFFOOFDFTTJUJFTMJLF groceries over better Internet access. Van Groningen indicated the company JTSFBEZUPNBLFJOEJWJEVBMQSFTFOUBUJPOT to the councils for all eight municipalities

in Prescott-Russell, on details of the CTI project.


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