King's Business - 1925-05

May 1925



Interesting Stories from Real Experience ------------ As told by Bible Institute Workers ——----- •

Evangelistic Department

SPANISH WORK R obert H . B ender, Supt.— Gospel Meeting* an d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles a n d V icinity. “ Th e h a r v e st t r u ly i s plent eo the la b o rer s are f e w ; pr ay y e th e L O R D o f th e ha rv es t t h a t s e n d fo r th labo rer s in t o Hi s har H T IS with great joy and thanksgiving to our Father that we are able to record to the glory of God the answer to some of our prayers. In our last article we mentioned the fact that several of the converts had returned to Mexico, and requesting prayers for them that God might use them in spreading the Gospel. We always seek to impress upon our Bible classes the need of testifying to their friends, and one.of the three men that have returned has written us of the many towns where there are a few believers but no one to shepherd them, and also that in many of the towns there was no one giving a testimony. The intention of these men who have returned is to go from house to house and give out tracts and Gospels and in this way spread the good news. We feel like encouraging them in their desire, but in order to do this work they will be needing thousands of Gos­ pels and other literature, and we trust our Father may touch hearts to fellow­ ship with us in this great opportunity. The doors are wide open in Mexico to the spread of the Gospel. Perhaps you have seen the notice in the daily papers that the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico has declared its in­ dependence from Rome, and will now be known as the “Mexican Catholic Church.” We feel that we should “buy up the opportunity” in scattering the precious seed in this crisis time, for no doubt many would gladly listen as never before, because they would not be afraid of Rome. In view of the change that is sure to come in Mexico we are encouraging our Bible classes to pray as never before, and to con­ tribute toward the buying of Gospels and religious literature. The Lord surely is blessing the work among the Mexicans. In nearly all our outdoor meetings great attention is given to the preaching. We have reg­ ular meetings every Sunday at the Plaza, and recently we had ten conver­ sions. Thus the dear Lord is crowning our work with success. To Him be all the praise and glory! In one of our railroad camps all the families have accepted the Saviour, due to the testi­ monies of the other believers in the camp. Pray for us, and also for these new converts that they may grow in grace.

us, and it is being made real in lives as girls are seeking to make their lives count in other lives, not only for time, but for eternity as well. Many are already out in definite Christian work in Home or Foreign Mission Fields, or are in training school preparing to go; most of those who have gone far enough' with the Lord to have a defi­ nite Christian experience have found some definite work to do for Him in the home church; many are earnest personal workers, making a pulpit out of their counter or desk. The results of the Midwinter Lyceum- Eteri Conference are still being felt. This week one young woman came with $40.00 for the support of a stu­ dent in the Bible Institute in China for a year. This young woman works to support herself and a sick loved one, and has been saving since the Confer­ ence to be able to do this. The same evening another girl said in the meet­ ing: “I must tell you girls how happy I have been ever since I took the Life Service Volunteer pledge at the Con­ ference and gave my life to my Lord for full time service wherever He wants it.” She was one of twenty-one girls who took this step at the last Conference. Others are making their plans to enter the Bible Institute for training as soon as possible. Occasionally a minister is not very enthusiastic over our starting a Club in his community, but with very few exceptions, he comes after a few weeks, as he sees’ the results in the lives of the girls, to tell us he is heart­ ily with us. One such dropped into a meeting last night to tell the girls what a spiritual growth he had seen in his own young people in the few months since the Club started, and how many other people were remark­ ing to him of the change in the girls’ lives. One girl, converted from Cathol­ icism, has stood true in spite of much persecution. Just now unusual pres­ sure is being brought to bear to bring her back into the Catholic church, with the promise of money for so doing. Her only answer is: “My Lord was crucified for money. He will give me all I need here, and the treas­ ure I desire is in heaven.” One night she came to the worker after the meet­ ing, discouraged because she had not seen results from her efforts to lead her friends to Christ. As she talked, a girl she had brought to the Club with her stood part way back in the room, looking toward the worker with longing eyes. The worker spoke just a word to her and the tears rolled down her face and she said: “Oh, I want to be saved.” Her friend had the joy of seeing the result of her faithfulness in bringing another to hear the Gospel. It is just like our Father to bring us a bit"of encourage­ ment just when we especially need it.

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art. Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse P ersonal W ork, Bible C lasses and Soul W inning Clubs. NE of the Euodia Classes of High School girls wished to share the true s p i r i t of Christmas with girls who were less fortunate, and so their teacher came to us, asking if one of our adult classes would help financi­ ally. The girls themselves gave as much as they could. Great prepara­ tions were made and about thirty girls from ten years of age to about six­ teen, were invited from a nearby Orphans’ School. A wonderful turkey dinner was spread before them, after which a real Santa Claus distributed many presents. Then the whole gathering was con­ vened in one of the church parlors, where a roaring fire was crackling on the hearth. The expressions on the children’s faces were worth studying, as they sat about the fireplace. Some seemed to be dreaming of days gone by, now almost forgotten, when they sat by a home heàrth-side with mother and father. One of .the High School girls con­ ducted a bright song service, after which we were invited to speak. The excitement of the evening was running rather high and so we started on a trip around the world, and by the time we had reached Palestine and the foot of Calvary’s Cross, all were sitting very quietly, with not even the tissue papers around the presents crackling, nor the oranges and apples rolling on the floor. We looked at thè dear Sav­ iour on the Cross, dying there for us. Then a brief prayer was offered, and with heads still bowed, the invitation was given to accept Christ. Slowly the hands were held up, until about seventeen signified their desire to ac­ cept the Saviour at this joyous Christ­ mastime. Then, last of all, one of the Euodia girls herself raised her hand to become a Christian, thus making it a most blessed night for her. As we went back to the class of adults who had partly made the feast possible, we found that some had been on their knees, asking God that precious souls should be won that night. It was our extreme pleasure to be able to tell them o f the rich blessing that God sent down in answer to their prayers. The Lyceum Club, which meets at the Bible Institute, and twelve Eteri Clubs located in cities and towns within a radius of forty miles of Los Angeles, are Clubs for young women between the ages of fifteen and thirty- five. They meet once a week for sup­ per, followed by group meetings for prayer and a general meeting for the study o f the Word. Our motto, “Eteri Kori,” or “Fer The Other Girl,’’ is held ever before

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