May 1925
Practical M e thods of Persona 1 Work
est limit of human thought, and be yond it (Heb. 7 :25 ): “ W h ere fo re, he i s ab le to sa v ut termost th em t h a t c o m e u nt o h im , s e e in g h e ever li v e t h t o mak ce ssion for th em .” Lest any might think they were not included in the invitation to come to Him for salvation, He says (Rev. 22: 17): “ T h e S p ir it a n d th e B ri d e say, a n d l e t him t ha t heare th s a y ; C l e t h im t h a t i s at h ir st c o m e ; a n ever w i l l , l e t h im t a k e the w a t e fr e e ly .” Many illustrations are given in the Bible of great sinners who were saved. The “Woman at the Well” in the fourth chapter of John. Saul of Tar-1’ sus, wh was a wicked persecutor, put ting men and women in jail and put ting them to death, and yet Jesus 'Christ burst through the heavens to reveal Himself to him, convict him of his sin, and bring him to His feet (1 Tim. 1:13-15). In fact, the whole Bible is a story of God’s plan for re deeming great sinners. It is an insult to the Saviour to claim to be too great a sinner for Him to save, or' too great for His precious blood to purchase (1 Pet. 1:18, 19).
Every mail brings inspiring letters from “Defenders” who are making good use of the “Ammunition,” telling of the results, and ordering fresh sup plies. Especially interesting is the tes timony of a High School girl in Colo rado who says: “I c a n n o t find w o rd s to te ll y o u h ow m u ch good th a t lite r a tu r e h a s d o n e me. I see a n d u n d e rs ta n d a s n e v e r b e fo re how some C h ris tia n s c a n a c c o m p lish so m u ch m o re th a n o th e rs. W e m u st le t God w o rk in an d th ro u g h u s. I e a rn e s tly d e sire to he a b le to do so m e th in g fo r m y L o rd a n d S a v io u r J e s u s C h rist. I h av e frie n d s in th e H ig h S chool w h o h a v e , n e v e r ac c e p te d H im a s th e ir S av io u r an d a r e v e ry in d iffe re n t a b o u t it. T h ey h av e b een ta u g h t to b eliev e E v o lu tio n in th e sch o o l. In a v e ry s h o rt tim e I h o p e to be- a b le to. o rd e r so(m e b o o k s fo r th o se w ho n eed th em . I am v e ry in te re s te d in g e t tin g su b s c rip tio n s fo r T h e K in g ’s B u si n e s s.”—R. C. So far as we know the very youngest “Defender” so far enrolled lives in North Dakota. Read his letter (writ ten in his own hand) : “I am w r itin g a feW lin e s to th a n k yo u fo r so w illin g ly se n d in g m e th e ‘am m u n i tio n .’ I am g o in g to tr y an d g e t s u b sc rib e rs fo r T h e K in g ’s B u sin ess. I am a boy a b o u t te n y e a rs o f a g e . T h e re is a m in iste r w h o liv es se v en m iles fro m h ere. " H e com es 'o u t n e a rly e v e ry S u n d ay . E v e ry m o rn in g a f te r b r e a k f a s t w e .h a v e p ra y e r a n d e v e ry n ig h t to o , e ith e r re a d in g ,the>, B ib le o r B ib le -sto rie s.”—G. L. W , Doesn’t it warm your heart to know that even in these days some young people are being trained for service for Jesus Christ? Who can estimate the results that may eventuate from the lives of this young girl or this little lad? God bless them both and may they, like Timothy, “continue in the things which they have learned” and “endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ,” fighting the good fight of faith— until He come. If you have not already enlisted, or if you know of some friend who would like to have the “Ammunition,” turn to page 236, sign the coupon and send it in. LESSON ELEVEN In dealing with the unsaved you will sometimes find, besides those who are indifferent and those who are anxious about their soul’s salvation, those who think they are too great sinners. As in the case of those who are anxious, it is much easier to deal with one who thinks he is too great a sinner, than with one who is indifferent, for they are already convicted of sin and need only to be shown that God has pro vided an all sufficient remedy for that sin. Do not attempt to make light of the
For “Defenders of the Faith” T. C. Horton that his conviction of sin is the work of the Holy Spirit (Luke 19:10): “ T h e S o n o f M a n I s c o m e t o se ek a n d to sa v e t h a t which w a s lo st .” (John 16:8, 9): “ A n d wh en he i s c o m e , h e w i l l re p r o v e (o r convict) the wor ld o f sin, o f r ig h t eo usness a n d of ju d gm en t; “ O f sin , becau se t h e y be lieve not o n m e .”
Our sins have been made white as snow, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ (Isa. 1:18 ):
“ C o m e no w a n d l e t us rea so n toge the r, sai th th e L o r d ; though y ou r si ns b e a s sc arlet, t h e y s h a ll he as w h it e as sno w; th ou gh t h e y b e r e d li k e cr im s o n , th ey sh a ll b e as wo ol .”
Tell the story of the Passover Night, and remind them that God said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you” (Ex. 12 :13 ). He said noth ing as to whether the sinners sheltered under the blood might be “great sin ners” or “little sinners,” but only, “when I see the blood.” Jesus Christ is able to save the vil est sinners, and to save to the furth
Seventh Annual Christian Fundamentals Contention Memphis, Tenn., May 3-10, 1Q25
Norris, W. L. Pettingill, W. B.„ RileylgT. T. Shields, Sidney T. Smith, R. A. Torrey, Gordon W>tt, L. W. Munhall, A. Gordon Mac- Lennan, Stewart P. MacLénnan, and others whose acceptance had not yet been received at the date of printing the program. There are many features of the Fundamentalist movement which will be conserved by the Memphis meeting. First of all,-—-the South is the stronghold of orthodoxy. The Southern Presbyterians and the Southern Baptists are not as yet badly infected with Modern ism, and among the Southern Methodists there are many stal wart souls who are standing sol idly for the old faith, and these are the three great denominations in the Southland. The Lutheran bodies, wherever they are found, North or South, are for the Fun damentals of the Christian faith. -Their great • founder’s influence lives and dominates today. Fundamentalism has thousands of friends in Memphis, and no doubt the meetings of the Con vention will be attended by the largest audiences in the history of the Association. We covet the prayers of every member of The King’s Business Family for this important gathering. We shall hope to have reports from the Memphis meeting for the June issue.
Dr. W. B. Riley, Executive Sec retary of the Christian Funda mentals Association, sends us the program and information regard ing the Seventh Annual Conven tion of the World’s Christian Fun damentals Association just as we are going to press with this issue. We regret that this was not in hand in time for insertion in the April King’s Business, for the benefit of such “Defenders of the Faith” as might be planning to attend. It will be remembered that the decision reached at the last Con vention (held in Minneapolis last. June) was to go to Chicago this year. This decision was based upon Pastor Philpott’s assurance that the new Moody Church would be finished June 1. Dr. Riley says: “In that expectation Dr. Philpott has suffered disappointment and our program disarrangement, but as ‘disappointment’ has so often spelled ‘His appointment’ we are thinking it will be so this time.” The Convention is meeting May 3 to 10 (inclusive) in Memphis, Tennessee, the week day sessions to be in the First Methodist Church ; the Sunday sessions in the great Memphis City Auditor ium. Among the speakers are William Jennings Bryan, Charles A. Blanchard, Benjamin Cox, William Ray Dobyns, H. A. Iron side, Leander S. Keyser, J. Frank
' sins of such an one, but say that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sin ners, and to save great sinners (1 Tim. 1 :15 ). “ Th is is a f a it h f u l s a y in g a n d wo rthy o f a ll acc eptation, t h a t C h r i s t Jesus c a m e in t o the wo rld to sa v e sinn ers , o f w h o m I a m ch ief.”
If a man feels that he is a great sin ner, then he knows that he is lost and needs only to be shown that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, and
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