King's Business - 1925-05

May 1925



Across A Call to Service E ggBOUT five years ago, after P failing to find peace and joy % in the tilings of the world, X jk surrendered my life to Christ and asked Him to use it, if possible, for His glory. The first soul the Lord gave me the privilege of win­ ning was my chum, May Robertson, and since that time He gave us both a definite call to His service. The Lord opened the way for us to enter the Bible Institute of Los Ange­ les, Calif., and we graduated in June, 1924. We thought it would be a great help if we had some medical training before going to tlie foreign field, and learning of the splendid medical course offered by the National Bible Institute, we began praying that the Lord would open the way for us to get this train­ ing, if it were His will. The way looked very dark for both of us, for neither of us had any money for our trip or training, and we did not have enough time to work and earn any. After much prayer we felt sure that it was the Lord’s will for us to go to New York and that we were to go in a Ford touring car. Getting the Ford At this time, we had very little money and no machine or traveling outfit. We prayed, and as we prayed we worked, getting our trunk packed and other things in order. We made a list of things needed for the trip and put the Ford at the head of the list, but it was almost the last “article’’ to come. In answer to prayer, we secured a tent, canteen bag, bedding, cooking utensils, etc., and $150 towards the car. On Saturday afternoon, as I was busy at home packing the trunk, the clouds seemed too thick and black to ever be broken. I thought, “tomorrow is Sunday and you told the folks at church you would leave Monday or Tuesday, and you haven’t even a ma­ chine yet. People will surely have the laugh on you.” I went right to my room and dropped on my knees and just told my Heaven­ ly Father that we were His children and were putting our trust in Him, and I knew He would not let us be put to shame. I prayed that for His glory He would enable us to get the machine that day. I had perfect assurance in my heart and went back to my work. That evening May and I went to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, where the Lyceum Club girls (Bible Class) were giving us a farewell party. They had a great deal of faith to give us such a party, when we did not even have a car, and things looked so impos­ sible. They gave us a little blue bag, containing over thirty dollars, and other gifts for our trip. After telling the girls how wonderfully the Lord was answering prayer, and of the many things we had received, but that the

the C on tin en t by Faith Remarkable Testimony to Answered Prayer (Abridged from “The Bible Today” ) E. J o r d a n fo r the g lo r y o f G o d , a n d a s a te st im o ny to Hi s n e v e r - f a il in g f a i t h f u l ­ ne ss to those wh o w h o ll y t r us t in H im . M i s s J o r d a n a n d her frie nd , M i s s M a y R o b er ts o n , a f t e r gra dua ti ng fr om th e Bible I n s t it u t e o f L o s A n g e le s in the su m m e r o f 1 9 2 4 , de si r in g to t a k e th e M e d i c a l C o u r s e in th e Na tional B ible In ­ st it u t e , s e t out i n a F o rd tour ing c a r fr o m L o s A ng el es A ug us t 2 0 a n d d r o v e a ll the w a y to New Y o rk C i t y , arriving ther e S e p te m b e r 2 8 , 1 9 2 4 . T h e f o ll o w in g in t e r e st in g a n d mo st t h r ill in g exp erience i s told b y M i s s N o r a

take Travelers Cheques, or how we were going to carry our money. We had to smile at the thought of Travel­ ers Cheques, when we only had a few dollars, but we told her we did not know. T n she said she thought we should carry our money that way and that she wanted to meet us at the bank the next day. We did so, and she gave us sixty dollars in cheques! She said it was the Lord’s money and that He had led her to give it to us. How we did rejoice again to see God’s hand leading in everything. Ready to Start On Wednesday morning, August 20, 1924, we were up bright and early. Relatives and friends came to help us pack our machine and to bid us good­ bye. The superintendent of our Sun­ day school gave us a large banner for the back of the car with the words, “From Los Angeles to New York.” This caused a great deal of attraction, especially in the eastern states. We also had two Bible Institute banners on the car and a card on the wind­ shield, “Keep Smiling.” We included gospels and tracts for distribution, for we felt that this was to be a real mis­ sionary journey. Just as we were ready to start, our pastor, the Rev. E. E. Smith, prayed that the Lord, who was surely sending us forth, would go before and protect and provide for us all the way. It wasn’t easy to leave home and loved ones and friends, but the Lord gave us wonderful grace and peace, for we knew we were in His blessed will. - God’s Protection in the Mountains and Forest Fires Before leaving home, we had read about forest fires in the mountains and were warned of the danger of driving through them. We knew the Lord would take care of us, and as we (Continued on page 226)

biggest item, the Ford, was not in sight, the President suggested that all unite in prayer. When we arose from our knees we had the assurance that prayer was answered. On the way home we stopped in a lunch room to get something to eat. The young man who served us was a Bible Institute student, and May said, “Have you a Ford to sell?” “Yes,” he said, and we began to get real excited. When he realized that we were in earn­ est he told us it belonged to a friend of his, also an Institute friend. The owner said we could have it for $175 cash. That was a real bargain for a 1923 model; with self-starter, foot feed and other accessories. . He let us drive it home that night, and we surely did sing praise's to thè Lord all the way, for we knew that we had the machine which less than two hours before, wè had prayed for. Can you imagine how happy we were that Sunday morning when we drove to church in our very own Ford! It seemed to be God’s final stamp of approval. .Short of Funds After paying for the car and getting a few other necessities, we had very little money left. We did not believe the Lord would let us start out without money, although we were willing to start out on faith, if it were His will. Tuesday morning we received a tele­ phone call from a dear servant of God, and she asked us if we were going to

T H E STAR T M iss N o ra J o rd a n a n d M iss M ay R o b e rts o n re a d y to s t a r t on th e ir f a ith tr a n s c o n tin e n ta l trip .

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