King's Business - 1925-05

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, May 1925


Any Book Reviewed or Advertised in These Columns may be Obtained at Biola Book Boom 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

shall see fit to use it to help any who read it ‘in an honest and good heart’ the writer will have great joy in say­ ing ‘Unto thy name give glory’.” (Chas. J. Thynne, London) 50c The Bankruptcy of Evolution, by Harold C. Morton, M.A., Ph.D., Lon­ don. Mr. Morton claims that there is great confusion in the minds of the public on the subject of evolution. Skilfully and carefully he traces the history of evolution and proves, that science has presented no facts to jus­ tify its position. Discussing the ver­ dict of eminent scientists, he makes it clear that Darwinian evolution has been definitely' and scornfully dis­ missed by them. His proof of the “bankruptcy of evolution” is conclu­ sive. We regret that so many profes­ sors and preachers have invested in evolution and are now found to possess no assets, but Mr. Morton has the facts and they must be faced. Buy .the book and rejoice in your assets in the unfailing Word of God. (Marshall Bros.) $1.00. The Phantom of Organic Evolution, by George McCready Price, Professor of Geology. This book is written for those who, while accepting the theory of evolution, still have open minds regarding the dogmas which have been taught for two generations in the name of natural science, and who do not believe that the doctrine of or­ ganic evolution is a closed' question Upon which no further light is ex­ pected or required. It is also written for fundamentalists who wish to be well informed regarding the strictly scientific aspects of the main ques­ tions in dispute. The author is “right there” with his proofs (directing his attack against what has long been re­ garded as the invulnerable arguments of evolution— the evidence of geology and of thé fossils) .that man was created, not evolved. (Revell)* $1.50 The Deciding Voice of the Monu­ ments in Biblical Criticism, by Melvin Grove Kyle, D.D., LL.D., President of Xenia Theological Seminary, and Edi­ tor of Bibliotheca Sacra. A revised edition of a popular book of Biblical archeaology. The introduction is by Prof. James Orr, D.D., who says: “Just because, of the clash of opinions on many points, it becomes the more in­ teresting to try to discover how the advance of knowledge on the whole is affecting the attitude one is justified in taking towards the Bible. In the judgment of many— the present writer included— there can be little doubt as to the general answer. The progress of knowledge has not overthrown, but has in innumerable and surprising

ways helped to confirm the view one derives from the Bible itself as to the beginnings of human history.” Every preacher and Bible student who desires to be informed upon this subject should have this book. (Bibliotheca Sacra Co.). Some Modern Problems in the Light of Bible Prophecy, by Christabel Pank- hurst.' In the introduction by Dr. F. B. Meyer, of London, he says: “It is generally admitted that peril­ ous times are imminent. Their prox­ imity is heralded, as Christ said it would be, by ‘wars and tumults, fam­ ines and pestilences, by great earth­ quakes and signs from heaven’. The mystery of lawlessness doth already work, and the strenuous efforts which are being made by far-seeing states­ men, in the direction of peace and goodwill, give evidence of their aware­ ness of these perils. * * * Every sign, therefore, which Christ gave of His return, is already present, and it is . surely befitting that the strongest pos­ sible appeal should be made to the slumbering church and to the indif­ ferent world. Such is the message of this book.” : We heartily commend this clear, concise, courageous compendium of facts and prophecies, which compel an '.earnest searching of the Scripture and an adjustment thereto of the life of every true believer. (Revell) $1.50 BOORS AND PAMPHLETS Songs of deliverance, by Alice Maude Carvell, author of “In.Jungle Depths,” etc. Twe,nty-six poems, each one bear­ ing a real message for God’s people. (B. I. Colportage. Ass’n.) 50c. The Facts Against Evolution, by Dr. A. C., Dixon. A collation of facts which reveal the fallacy of the teach­ ing of evolution now so dominant in the schools of our land. (The Book Stall) 15 c. Christianity at the Cross Roads, by Carlyle B. Haynes. A virile defence of the Bible as the Word of God. Adapted to the every-day reader, definite in its Scriptural statement of the great doc­ trines, and illustrated. (Southern Pub. Ass’n.) Modernism, by the Right Rev. Bish­ op J. E., C. Welldon, D.D. A paper read before the members of the Vic­ toria Institute of Westminster, in which the Bishop proves Modernism to be a retrograde rather than a pro­ gressive movement. (Morgan & Scott). Satan, by Dr. James R. Pratt. A new edition of this worthy booklet, giving Satan’s origin, work, character.

The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation, by Philip Mauro. This work contains a detailed exposition of the last two visions of Daniel and the Olivet discourses of our Lord. (Ham­ ilton Bros.) $1.75. In the Footsteps of the Master, Sermon Outlines on St. Mark’s Gospel, by Rev. J. H. B. Masterman, M.A., Bishop of Plymouth. A suggestive and helpful volume of outlines of the “high lights” in Jesus’ earthly ministry as recorded in the Gospel of Mark. (Mac­ Millan Co. ) $1.00 The Trial of Jesus, Harold, Francis Branch, Pastor Albany Park Presby­ terian Church, Chicago, Illinois. A lit­ tle pamphlet giving the details of the trial of Christ in such a vivid, accur­ ate and devotional way that the reader will feel as though he were actually witnessing the progress, step by step, of the scéne. (B. I. Colp. Assn.) 30c “The Virgin Birth” ; “How Jesus Became an Atheist” ; “To Die is Gain” ; Three sermons (in pamphlet form) delivered by Dr. J. Frank Norris, pas­ tor of the First Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Texas. There is but one “Frank Norris,” though we could wish there were many more like him. In these-V"; as in all of his 'messages-—loyalty to the Word of God is dominant. Buy these booklets, read them and pass them on to the glory of God, our Sav­ iour. (The Book Stall) 15c ea’ch. Soul-Winning Sermons, by Dr. R. A. Torrey. Here are twenty-six of the great evangelistic addresses delivered by Dr. Torrey in his historical world­ wide evangelistic campaign. Every sermon rings true to the verities of God’s Word, covering a wide field of Bible teaching,—-The Incarnate Christ; the Sacrifice of the Cross; the BJOod Atonement. These sermons were suc­ cessfully used in winning many souls, and will prove of great value to preachers and evangelists. We com­ mend thé volume to all who love the Word and work of God. (Revell) $4.00 The Divine Mystery, an Answer to Modern Criticism on the Deity of Our Lord Jesus 'Christ, by J. Reader. The author says in his preface: “When the inscrutable person of the Son of God is assailed and dishonored by misun­ derstanding the Scriptures, or by mis­ interpreting the inspired text, or even by corrupting the Word of God, the attack must be met, and the assail­ ants overcome with the Sword of the Spirit, which never fails those who rightly wield it. This little book is now sent forth in, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit

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