May 1925
final doom. Dr. Pratt was one of the best Bible teachers of this country, and this exposition is clear, concise and in structive. We commend it heartily. (The Book Stall) 25c. Facts About Our Bible, its Historic ity, Inerrancy and Inspiration, by El mer E. Franke, Pastor of People’s Christian Church, New York City, written from the viewpoint of a fun damentalist and containing some help ful illustrations. (The People’s Chris tian Bulletin). Paper, 50c; cloth, 75c and $1.00. The Atonement, by Rev. R. J. H. McGowan, Pastor of Ashfield Presby terian Church, New South Wales. The gist of three sermons on The Blood Atonement. A clear, concise and help ful message covering a history of the doctrine. Every believer will be helped by reading it. (Christian Workers’ Depot, Sydney, N. S. W.) The Jew in Prophecy, by L. Sale- Harrison, B.D., Minister of the Baptist Tabernacle, Ashfield, N. S. W. A prac tical presentation of the history of the Jews as related to prophecy. Emphasis is put upon the suggestive signs of the result of the late war and the presence of the Jew in Palestine. (Christian Workers’ Depot, Adelaide) Evolution and the Supernatural, by Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas. Dr. Thomas in a clear and forceful manner gives the meaning, history and facts con cerning evolution, its relation to crea tion, man’s history, etc. A text book for the ordinary reader. (S. S. Times) 25c. Two other pamphlets by the same author, “Shall We Pray for the Dead?” (25 c), “Shall I Go to Confession?” (25 c), published by The Book Stall. The World’s Last Hope, by Hugh R. Monro, of the National Bible Institute, New York City. A short, well-balanced message by a Christian layman, calcu lated to strengthen faith and stimulate love and devotion to our Lord, (Our Hope Pub. Co.) Some Practical Aspects of the Blessed Hope, by the same author. A practical leaflet defending the doctrine as the solution of our present-day conditions. Read it. (National B. I.) 5c each, 50c per dozen. The Second Coming, by R. H. Boll. This booklet contains the substance of three sermons in which, Mr. Boll says, he adopted the simple rules of John Albert Bengel, “Get everything out of the Bible; read nothing into the Bible; let nothing remain concealed in the Bible.” A straightforward Biblical presentation of this great doctrine. (Word & Work) 25c. By the same author, “The Kingdom of God,” a survey of the Bible’s prin cipal theme. 50c. Read Inside Front Cover and help push your Bible Family Magazine
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