King's Business - 1925-05


May 1925


BATTLING FOB THE BIBLE One beautiful way to battle for the Bible is to live it. Two missionaries went to a Catholic country as colpor­ teurs. They met with little success, but they pressed on even to a city where they had been told it would be sure death to attempt to sell their Scriptures. They were met by prohi­ bition from the authorities; not one little Gospel might they sell without ■danger to their lives. They came often in touch with one of the great men o f authority, who noted their bright faces, their quiet demeanor, their freedom from self-defense, their gen­ tle words, their quiet answers to sneering questions. He thought he would like to read one of the books that such men sold and bought the Gospel of Matthew and was soundly saved. Through his influence, in a ■couple of days, every copy of the Scriptures they had with them was sold. They had battled for the Bible toy living the Bible. They had been examples of “patient perseverance in well doing.” Rpm. 2:7. They had obeyed the command, “Love your en­ emies.” It might have been said of them as one heathen did say of one missionary, “He lives like the Man he tells us about.” They fought a good fight. The battle was over. The vic­ tory was won. The town became transformed.—Abbie C. M o r r o w Brown. One who knows all things to show us how to invest our lives for the largest returns, and then submit to His plan. He loves us, as is proved by the Cross, and longs for the very best for us, so that the reasonable thing to do is to put ourselves in His hands. The more we give of ourselves to Him the larger w ill be the returns for His glory. Let us not give Him the little scraps of time left over, after we have spent most of it elsewhere. Let us not give Him the little strength that remains, a fter we have used the greater part of it in earning money or seeking pleas­ ure. Let us not give Him the. little thoughts that are left after our minds have been busy thinking of some new amusement, filled with some trashy .stories, or occupied in some selfish in­ terest. Let us not give Him the feeble love that remains after we have lav­ ished our love upon our physical appe­ tites and desires. No, let us turn all our time, strength, mind and love oVer to Him. This is the best possible in­ vestment to make of our lives, for time a n d eternity. OUB YOUNG PEOPLE (Continued from page 21.6)

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350,000 Sell s Bible Study Books HAVE BEEN SOLD JUST OUT Studies of Famous Bible Women By H. T. SELL, D. D.

A C O M P A N IO N to "STUD IES OF GREAT BIBLE CHARACTERS.” The two books constitute new courses of Bible study by “G reat Men and Famous Women.” They are for use in Adult Bible and Teacher Training Classes. T h e ‘Church Mid-Week Meeting, Private Study, etc. 160 pages each. AUTHOR OF ELEVEN OTHER BOOKS OF BIBLE STUDY used everywhere, with a sale of TH R EE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND COPIES. Price, each, Cloth, 75c; Paper, net, 50c.


NEW BOOKS WORTH WHILE Some Modern Problems in the Light of Bible Prophecy By CHRISTABEL PANKHURST A n ew book which deals w ith phases of our own tim e, in w hich she sees indications of the approaching end of the age. N $1.50

THE HIGHWAY By CAROLINE ATWATER MASON A Challenging Story of the Present Crisis in the Churoh. G. Campbell Morgan, D. D., says: "The message of the book issimply tremendous. I wish I could getholdofsome millionaire who wants to make a real investment to pay for an edition of half a million. SeventhEdition.' $2.00 The Acts of the Apostles By G . CAMPBELL MORGAN, D. D. "A handbook of the spiritual forces, and methods of the first years of Christianity at work in human history. It reflects everywhere the keen and analytical powers and marked ability of the distinguished author.”-—Western . Recorder, 550 pages, 8 volumes. $3.75 Essentials of Prayer By EDWARD M . BOUNDS, D. D. The latest volume in the "Spiritual Life Books/' edited by Homer W. Hodge, D. D., shows how the whole of each individual is required for the praying desired by God. $1.25 Fields of Glory By RUSSELL H . CONWELL, D.D. Clear thinking, illustrations which consist almost entirely of incidents from his own wide experience of men and movements, high idealism, and eloquent language are characteristics of every page of this book which shows Dr. Conwell at his greatest! $1.25

The Phantom of Organic Evolution

By GEORGE McCREADY PR ICE, M .A. Professor Price demonstrates how inadequate and insuffi-' cient are ike theories advanced by evolutionists. A strongly-reasoned argument difficult to gainsay. $1.50 Bible Snapshots

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By AMOS R. WELLS The well-known editor of the C

E . W orld is a t his best.

Vivid w ord pictures of fam iliar Bible scenes w ith a w onderfully helpful application to m odern life. $1.50

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SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative E vangelists a n d Bible W om en who are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H . A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re. - fH U R C n FURNITURE P ew s, P u lp its, Chairs, A ltars, Book c s s H I R acks, Tables» Communion W are—EVERY- I THING. The finest furniture made. Direct | I from oar factory to yonr church. Catalog free. |DeNtopdinBrofl^^o^D£tei4. Greenville. I1L ,

H O O T MON ! As a Scotmints distributor you can quickly build a business of your, own that will net you a steady.income and insure a pros­ perous future. Our nationally ad­ vertised products find a .ready market and are steady repeaters, ^especially new Yeast flavor which is the most popular seller of the day.' Send for “How, to become a Scotmints* Distributor.”

SCOTMINTS COMPANY 35-A Scotm ints B uilding, Jersey C ity, N. J .

GRACE SAXE’S ( b o o k s Bible Study Helps | sHw If you DON’T KNOW HOW to g et y o u r friends, S unday School C lass o r m id-w eek P ray er-m eetin g folks in te re sted in actu ally studying^ th e Bible fo r them selves, send for free catalo g u e explaining M iss Saxe’s Bible stu d y p lans, w hich m ake people, old an d young, W ANT to stu d y a n d show them HOW . Sam ple copy of m o st p o p u lar plan, (29 lessons in A cts) giving also full inform ation reg ard in g th e NEIGHBOR­ HOOD BIBLE CLASS MOVEMENT th ro u g h o u t th e U nited S tates, 25 cents. GRACE SAXE, Room 604, 218 S. Wabash A ve., - - Chicago, 111.

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