May 1925
Oxford Bibles F O R Children B eautifully illu strated O xfo rd editions th a t an y child w ould b e glad to own. D urably b o u n d a n d clearly p rin te d . In stru ctiv e as well as in teresting. OX FORD P IC TOR IA L BIBLE C ontaining vivid a n d tru e p ic tu re s of scenes and custom s in Bible L ands. They in stru c t a s well as in terest. C lear m inion ty p e like speci men shown. Si?e 5 % x 3 % x l% inches. (Weight 1 lb.) ------ — -Specimen of Type ------------— 1—
POINTERS FOR PREACHERS AND TEACHERS (Continued from page 212) GRACE Grace is Love in Action, blessing the undeserving (Luke 15:20-24). Grace is Strength in Weakness, enabling the weak (2 Cor. 12:9). Grace is Beauty of Character, grac ing the life (Eph. 4:29): Grace is Thoughtfulness in Speak ing, salting the tongue (Col. 4 :6 ). Grace is Provision in Need, enrich ing the poor (2 Cor. 8 :9 ). Grace is Equipment for Service, oil ing the machinery ( 2 Cor. 9 :8 ). Grace is the Companion of Truth, seen in Christ -(John 1:14). — Prophetic News. THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION AS FOUND IN JOHN 6:39, 40 AFTER THE FOLLOWING OUTLINE Divine Side of Redemption— v. 39: Redemption’s Source, “The Father’s Will.” Redemption’s Execution, “Which Has Sent Me.” Redemption’s Object, “All Which He Hath Given Me.” Redemption’s Security, “I Should Lose Nothing.” Redemption’s Culmination, .'“Should Raise it up at the Last Day.” ■ Human Side of Redemption— y . 40. Redemption’s Revelation, “The Will of Him That Sent Me.” Redemption’s Scope; “Every One.” Redemption’s Vision, “Which Seeth the Son.” Redemption’s Condition, . “Believeth on Him.” Redemption’s Purpose, “Everlasting Life;” Redemption’s Hope, “Raise Him up at the Last Day.” ^ ’AOPastor R. H. Moon. H i VARIOUS TERMS APPLIED TO THE RESURRECTION OF THE RIGHTEOUS (1) Of Christ’s Body, Isa. 26:19. (2) Of the Blessed Sleepers, Rev. 14: 14; 1 Thess. 4:14; John 11:11; Dan. 12:2. (3 ) Of the Singing Dwellers in the Dust, Isa. 26:19. (4) Of the Just, Luke 14:14; Acts 24:15. (5) Of Life, John 5:29. (6) Of the Righteous, Psa. 49:14. (7) The Bfetter Résurrection, Heb. 11:35. (8) Out from Among the Dead, Phil. 3:11. (9 ) Out from Among the Sleepers, Dan. 12:2. (10) Of “They that are Christ’s,” 1 Cor. 15:23. (11) Of the “Beheaded for Christ,” Rev. 20:4. (12) Of the “Slain for Christ,” Isa. 26:24. (13) The First Resurrection, Rev. 20:4, 5. —Gold from Ophir.
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