King's Business - 1925-05



May 1925

If this lad could have expressed the language of his heart it would have been in words somewhat like these: M y wayward

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 211) and I’ve used it in testimony meetings many times, for surely God oftentimes rescues His brightest jewels from the very lowest depths. Two striking contrasting examples have recently come before us illustra­ tive of this. One lad came from a very wealthy home in the most exclusive, fashion­ able locality of our beautiful “city of fallen angels.” Surrounded with all that wealth and beauty could purchase, never knowing what it was to have his •carefully manicured hands soiled with labor, pampered literally in luxury’s lap till manhood; a real lovable chap with an attractive and pleasing per­ sonality. The mother having died, the father sought a helpmate in one not any older than his son. From all accounts it must have been a marriage o f convenience. The lad, returning from an extended trip, was thrown into the society of the wife while the father, busy with build­ ing “bigger barns,” awoke one day to the inevitable consequence of what so often happens where Christ is not in control of body, soul and spirit. There was a discovery, a denouncement, a terrible scandal, an instant dismissal of both from the palatial house, and the lad was cast adrift absolutely in­ capable of earning a livelihood in the present depressed condition of the bus­ iness world. His clothing, diamond ring, etc., quickly went for food and room rent, and, strictly up against it, he drifted into Biola Hall. What hap­ pened there is the same old story so graphically told in Luke 15 and re­ peated down through the' ages in the lives of countless prodigals. As we looked at his soiled linen and unkempt dress we thanked God for the privilege of ministering the water of life to his thirsty soul, and the soap and water to make him outwardly pre­ sentable, ere we sent him off to a friend who promised to secure work for him. In striking contrast to this lad’s en­ vironment there came along another who was lifted up by the grace of God from the dunghill and set with princes. Fred never knew his parents; they died in his infancy. Kicked and cuffed and hounded in his adolescent years from New York City all over the coun­ try he took on a big load of access bag­ gage, booze, dope, wild women, lead­ ing to a life of crime which ultimately landed him in Sing Sing with a five years’ sentence, for four months never seeing the light of day in a darkened cell. Hearing in jail of “God’s coun­ try,” California, he arrived here two weeks ago, shot through with bootleg whiskey. He stopped one evening to brace up against a lamp post in front of Biola Hall. The gospel was being told out, the invitation given; the tug came to Fred’s heart, but he pulled the other way. However, the next night found him in the selfsame place listen­ ing to the old love message. This time instead of a strong pushing, he was conscious of being literally pulled into the Mission hall, and found himself on his knees crying, “What must I do to be saved?”

Musical Bells playing the old favor­ ite hymns learned at mother’s knee awak­ en m em ories that cau se one to give more thou gh t to things spiritual. They reach out into high­

hea rt ha s wa n d er ed far

fr o m T h e e , A n d kno ws n o r e s t o r h o m e ; N o pre se nt p ea ce , n o h o p e o f jo y b e y o n d , Bu t no w to T h e e ' I c o m e . N o w o r ks o f m i n e , n o m erit c a n I br in g , N o ho lin es s wi thi n; I on ly t r u s t th e prec io us b l o o d o f C h r i s t , I t cl e a ns e s fr om a ll sin.

ways and byways and attract those who have become so indifferent they shun every ordinary invitation. THE DEAGAN UNA-FON is giving new life to mis­ sions and churches. Un­ equalled for attracting and holding the attention

These two lads, so widely separated in their old life, are now sleeping to­ gether, praying and studying the Word of God together at Biola Hall, and ringing out the glad message: I lo v e to t e l l th e story , M o r e won derful i t s eem s T h a n a ll the golden fa nc ie s O f a l l o u r golden d r e a m s . I lo v e to t e l l th e story , I t d i d so m u ch f o r m e , A n d t h a t is j u s t t h e re a s o n I ' t e l l i t no w to th ee. M M REMARKABLE RESULTS OiF MOD­ ERN IST IC RECKON ING “The earliest recorded reckoning is by moons and by generations of men. The former seqms to be the case in the book of Genesis, where, if one reads the great ages of the Patriarchs who lived before the flood as lunar months instead of years, Methuselah and the others are reduced to a credible length of life” (From the Outline of History, by, H. G. Wells, Page 98). Apply this rule and it is clear, That reading the word “month” for year, The age of this famed Patriarch Was nothing that should cause remark. His given age by twelve divide, . And he was eighty when he died. With nothing further to discuss, Nothing remains that’s fabulous. But always reading months for years, A further circumstance appears, To which attention must be paid, Before this rule can be obeyed. If Moses was indeed no liar Enoch was Methuselah’s sire. Apply this rule to Enoch’s case And then the consequences trace. It should apply to either one, Alike to father and to son. Enoch, by this rule so applied, Was only thirty when he died; A thirty year old Patriarch Is just occasion for remark. But what is far more strange than that, When he Methuselah begat, According to this rule, behold, He was but five years, five months old. Wells calls this credible. To me It looks like an absurdity. For confirmation of all this, See chapter five of Genesis. (Reuben Hatch, in Ladies Home Journal). , Any book advertised in THE KING’S BUSINESS may be secured at Biola Book Room, 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, - - Calif.

DEAGAN UNA-FON No. 449, played from electric keyboard. Oper­ ated from storage bat­ tery. Fits in Ford touring car. Can beplayedwhile car is in motion.

of a crowd, great for leading community sing­ ing, while for holiday festivals, summer camps, attracting crowds to bazaars, etc., Una-Fon has no equal. Placed on a window ledge or in belfry it adds to impressiveness of Christmas or New Year’s services. . Mail Coupon T oday ■ J. C. DEAGAN, Inc., 302 Deagan Building, B erteau and Ravensw ood Aves., Chicago, III. Gentlemen: Without obligation send me full information regarding your Deagan Una-Fon or Musical Bells. Reasonably priced—within reach o f all. Send coupon for complete information.

“The Baffled Rabbi” Jew ish boy holds crowd­

ed court room spellbound for two hours, instructing Hebrew Rabbi in the faith of Christ. A copy of this Spirit filled testimony sent FREE by addressing CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ISRAEL 521 West 179th St. Estd. 1921 New York City

Pipe-T one' Folding O rgans 4-O ctave D ouble Reed In o rd er to in tro d u ce ou r L a te s t M o d e l L ib e rty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs eith er le a th erette covered, o r 3 -ply oak case. W e will accep t for a lim ited tim e ¡orders a t $40.00 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.

M A K E Y O U R S P A R E T IM E P A Y ! A ^ r k l T C ^ e need intelligent m en A b l L N I O an d women. W ork all o r l l / A M T F O p a rt tim e. Sell B i b l e s— B o o k s— C alendars— M ake big m o n ey .. No experience necessary. L ib ­ eral discounts. N ational E ducational Society 433 S. D earborn St., C hicago, 111.

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