King's Business - 1925-05



May 1925

ACROSS THE CONTINENT BY FAITH (Continued from page 219) passed by many places where the trees were smoldering from a recent fire, we realized again and again that, “When he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them,” and we passed by in perfect safety. One afternoon, about four o’clock, as we were driving down a ^winding mountain road, and able to seeumly a short distance ahead, we noticed a dense cloud of smoke in the valley below. It looked as though we woRld soon be in the midst of a forest fire. Thé road was so narrow and steep that it was almost impossible to turn around, but the Lord gave each of us a promise, and May said, “Nora, the Lord has given me Isa. 41:10, ‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness’.” I an­ swered, “He has given me a promise also, Isa. 43:2, ‘When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow ' thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not he burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee’.” My, what wonderful peace came over our souls, and we drove on with the assurance that we were in perfect safety! When we reached the valley we found that it was only the smoke from a smoldering fire on the mountains above. Soul-Winning We attended Sunday school at Reed- point, Mont., where we spoke and re­ ceived a free-will offering, and then visited my sister, near Beach, N. Dak., my old home. We there had the joy of winning my little niece, Frances, to the Lord. Our next stop was to visit my bro­ ther and his family, at West Concord, Minn., where we had the joy of win­ ning the whole family to Christ. In Chicago with Eighty Cents Left When we reached Chicago we ex­ pected to stay with some friends, but

learned that they were away on a vaca­ tion. We asked for a Tourist Auto Camp but were informed that there was not any in the city. What were we to do? We only had about four dollars. Suddenly May said, “Let’s go to the- Moody Bible Institute and see if wo can get a room there.” We reached the Institute to find that there was one- room called the “Emergency Room,” which was available. The next morn­ ing, we wrote to Dr. Shelford, dean o f the National Bible Institute, and also to other friends, and told them to pray, because we only had two dollars left. We packed our suit-cases, as we in­ tended to leave Chicago, but just as we stepped off of the elevator, we were greeted by an old friend, Dorothy Rose, whom we had met at the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. She was waiting to make a telephone call, but the Lord had another purpose for her waiting. She invited us to meet her at one o’clock to visit the Institute buildings- and to meet other old friends. We went to the Post Office to see if there was any mail for us in the Gen­ eral Delivery, but we did not get a thing. After having breakfast and get­ ting fuel for our Ford, we had eighty cents left. Nevertheless, we had won­ derful peace! Our friend, Dorothy, in­ vited us to her home, where we stayed all night; and had two good meals and also the eighty cents. , It was a time o f trusting for the next meal and a place to sleep, but the Lord surely took care of it all. Again we went to the Post Office but got no mail. It was hard to decide what to do, for the National Bible Institute classes had started, and we were about 1,100 m iles away. Then our friend asked us again to go home with her that night and spend the next day (Sunday) at the Ridgeway Presbyterian Church and Sunday school. After prayer we knew that it was God’s will, and we again drove out to the Rose house. Before separating from some of the friends at the Institute, one of the girls slipped a. dollar bill in my pocket and one in May’s pocket. We felt rich with $2.80. We had a blessed time at the Ridge­ way Presbyterian Sunday school and at the Home of Hope Mission, where we spoke in the afternoon. In the evening we led the Young People’s meeting, and after we had done what God had sent us to Chicago to do, He opened the way for us to go on. The Sunday-school gave us a substantial check and the young people gave us an envelope filled with bills. Many indi­ viduals shook hands with us, and at the same time did a little sleight-of- hand performance and slipped a bill into our hands. That night, when we got back to the Rose home, we counted our pile of money, and with unspeak­ able joy we were able to add $58 to DEAGAN TOWER CHIMES HPLAYEDBYORGANIST FROM;ELECTRIC KEYBOARD THE MEMORIAL SUBLIME LITERATURE.INCLUDINGTESTED PLAN FOR . SECURING CHIMES SENT UPON REQUEST STANDARD SETS - $ 5.000 TO $10,000 J . C . D E A G A N . INC. 191 D E A G A N B U 1LP1M O . C H IC A G O


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HOW HIGH DOES YOUR SOUL’S AMBITION SOAR? A re you satisfied? H ave you lea rn ed th a t circum stances have no th in g to do w ith happiness? A re you having daily trium p h over self an d Satan? A re you having continuous answ ers to y o u r p ra y ers? Do y o u know th a t to lea rn th e m eanings of th e C ross will enable y o u to answ er “Yes” to th ese questions? It w ill help y o u to lea rn these m eanings if you will read th e new m onthly m agazine “ Christ Life, or the Word of the Cross” SPIRITUAL, DEVOTIONAL, CONSTRUCTIVE, FOR YOUNG AND OLD Its sphere of teaching is th e life of crucifixion w ith C h rist a n d of th e fullness of th e S pirit. The b e st w riters on th is them e are co n trib u tin g . H ow ard A. B anks, editor. H elps on Senior and Ju n io r C h ristian E ndeavor T opics. A brid g ed E xposi­ tions on th e In tern atio n al an d F u n d am en talist S unday School Lessons. Price, $1.00 a year, or 10 cents a copy. Sample copy free. Address Union Gospel Press, Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio.

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