King's Business - 1925-05



May 1925

our eighty cents! We not only had enough for our trip to New York, but also $20 over. We rejoice in knowing such a wonderful Saviour! It was not our faith which brought us safely across the Continent, but it was faith in a Great God. In New York We had a good trip from Chicago, and at 2 p. m. on September 28, 1924, we crossed the Hudson River and had our first glimpse of New York! In a short time we stopped in front of the National Bible Institute headquarters building, and were greeted by Dean Shelford, who made us feel at home. Why. are we doing all this? Is it just for adventure? No. It was not easy for us to leave loved ones, but we are called to preach the Gospel and, God willing, we hope to take the mes­ sage of Jesus Christ to China, where some have never heard it. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION During the month of March, the prayer bands took charge of two of the meetings. On March 5th, the African prayer band took charge and Mr. Mc- Kenrick of Kenya Colony, Africa, gave us a new glimpse of the work of that ever interesting field. The next week we had a very un­ usual treat, under the leadership of the Chinese prayer band. A group ofTittle Chinese girls came from one of the missions of the city and sang for us. Interesting news items were read con­ cerning the work in China and then Miss Mary Chen of Nanking Language School, one of our very own students,^ told us something of her life in China and of what the missionaries mean to those in that land. Africa again came into prominence on March 19 th when Mr. and Mrs. Greig, from the Kameroon District, made the people of that section seem very real and interesting to us, and fired at least some hearts with a greater desire to be at work there. At the last meeting of the month, Mr. Danner, of the American Mission to Lepers, spoke and impressed upon us the possibility and need of obeying Christ’s command to cleanse the leper. He told of the great work that is al­ ready being done in that direction and showed us a very practical way of help­ ing in that work. We wish that all might share in the hearing of these messages, but all can share in a very real way in obeying the command to pray the Lord of the harvest. TELL TEMPERATURE Money is a thermometer. It tells the temperature of the soul. When the soul burns with ardent love for God, the m o n e y goes heavenward in generous amounts; but when the soul is cold in covetousness and ignorance, the money drops into the low places of self­ ishness and worldly endeavor.—West­ ern Recorder.

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