King's Business - 1925-05

May 1925



THE GROUND OF THANKSGIVING (Continued from page 198)

“Best” Books —Each with its own particular message The Virgin’s Son By J. B. C ham pion T h e a u th o r considers th e virgin b irth to be the vesti­ bule do ctrin e of C hristianity, an d th a t if y o u allow m en to b a tte r it down they will sta rt to d estroy th e w hole stru c tu re . A fte r defining th e seriousness of th e situation as he sees it, he defends the Bible as th e W ord of God, and exposes th e obvious defect of Biblical criticism as the one-sided study of a tw o-sided book, h aving divine as well as h um an elem ents. T h e style is positive, arg u - m entive, devout, all in good sp irit and com pelling logic, provided y o u g ra n t his p relim in ary assertio n a b o u t the Bible._________________________________________ C loth $1.25 The Unique Historical Value of The Book of Jonah By W . C. Stevens God’s Open By J. I. V ance Serm ons th a t Take U s O ut of D oors.

It was the Psalmist who said, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, 0 most High” (Psa. 92 :1 ). It was the Psalmist who wrote, “O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation: Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods” (Psa. 95:1-3). It was the Psalmist again who shouted as if he had organized all saints into a choir, “0 sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth’’ (Psa. 96:1). It was the Psalmist who commanded, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with glad­ ness: come before his presence with singing” (Psa. 100: 1-2). It was the Psalmist who in. an ecstacy of spirit said, “I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto Thee, 0 Lord, will 1 sing” (Psa. 101:1). 2. The Memory of Benefits! Every sentiment of thanks­ giving, if it continue, must be properly voiced. David’s burst of praise had adequate occasion, “Praise the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” How few people are there who retain consciousness of God’s acts of mercy to the extent of recognizing their accumulating riches. There is a story told of an Iowa farmer whose corn crop was a bumper, and a friend congratulated him upon the season’s yield, saying, “It has been a great year for you.” “Yes, in some ways, but an awfully hot one.” “But hot weather makes good corn, doesn’t it?” “Yes, if you get enough rain.” “Well, haven’t you had enough rain this season?” asked the friend. “Well, yes, we can’t complain of lack of rain.” “Well, isn’t this the greatest crop you have ever had?" “Yes, I think it is, but you know a crop like that is awfully hard on the soil.” Such critical ingrates try the souls of men. If you are here this afternoon with­ out a song of joy there can be but one explanation of your dumb silence. You have forgotten to take note of God’s goodness, to be cognizant of all His benefits. 3. Tlie Budget of Mercies! As David proceeds in his praises, he sums up the occasions of his song, and what a marvelous summary it is! “Praise the. Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities (item 1 ); who healeth all thy diseases (item 2) ; who redeemeth thy life from destruction (item 3 ); who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies (item 4 ); who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s (item 5 ) ’’¿¿and then, when he has recounted his forgiveness, his healing, his redemption, his crown of loving-kindness and tender mercies, his physical satiety, his renewed youth, he finally winds up by saying: “Now to cover it all, to include what I haven’t mentioned, let me remark, The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that abe oppressed.” Into that budget of mercies has gone sufficient so that none shall suffer. And this leads lis ; to the next theme upon which the Psalmist is ready to dwell, THE GRACE OF OUR GOD 1. It is Exercised for All the Oppressed. “The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.” It is a marvelous statement, and a statement that was never true save when applied to Him. It is the custom of politicians to pledge just that thing. Every cheap reformer is going to, execute righteousness and judg­ ment for all that are oppressed; is going to .provide pan-

“A n unusual book w o rth y of stu d y especially by the s tu ­ dent of prophecy. The U ni­ v ersal a n d P ersonal Presence an d G overnm ent of God in H isto ry is b ro u g h t o u t; also th e unfailing com passion of God to H is creatu res as shown in histo ry , are salien t points w hich m ake th e book of u n ­ questioned value to Bible s tu ­ d en ts.” . C loth $1.00

T h roughout all these brief serm ons Dr. V ance em phasizes th e fa c t th a t m uch of the life of C hrist w as spent out-of- doors. H e w as an open-air p reach er an d H is g re a te st serm ons w ere delivered but- of-doors, one on a m ountain top, one beside a well. A very helpful an d inspiring book. C loth $1.50

Why I Believe in The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ By W illiam Evans In giving th e reaso n s fo r believing in th e V irg in B irth, D r. E vans found it necessary to exam ine every alleged reaso n th a t could be raised ag ain st believing an d has answ ered every objectio n in a very c le ar a n d concise m anner, yet as com prehensively a s is re q u ire d fo r a c o r­ re ct u n d e rstan d in g of w hy Jesus m ust have b een b o rn of a virgin. A very satisfacto ry book iiideed. P ap er, 6 0 cen ts; C loth, $1 .0 0 The Offerings By M rs. T. C. Rounds Looking Unto Jesus By T. M arshall M orsey

M rs.. R ounds w rites: “ F or a t le a st tw enty-five y e a rs th e o f­ ferings have been a fav o rite stu d y of m ine a n d a m uch used portio n of th e W ord in dealing w ith Jew ish inquirers. I have found it an e x h au st­ less m ine a s I have dug into it, a n d I believe th a t its dep th s a re y e t unfathom ed.” This book m akes an im p o rt­ a n t and tim ely ad d itio n to th e Bible stu d en ts lib rary p re sen t­ ing in sim ple b u t clear style th e m eaning of tjie L evitical offerings. A m o st helpful book.________________P a p e r 50c

The a u th o r h as w ritten a m o st assu rin g book on the w orld’s need, of C hrist— n o t confusing theological a rg u ­ m ents a b o u t him . It is w rit­ ten a t th e req u est of a great, m any w ho Dean M orsey has led o u t of doubt, to deep u n ­ w avering faith in C hrist. D ean M orsey’s ap p ro ach to th e w hole q u e stio n ' is peculiarly clear an d convincing, an d has evoked m any expressions of ^ ratu tu d e. C loth $1.25

The World’s Greatest Need. By W . H. Jones

T h e a u th o r is a well know n E d in b u rg m inister. T he w o rk is a restatem en t an d re-em phasis of th e c o n ten ts of th e gospel, in the lig h t of m odern evangelical sc h o lar­ ship. It attem pts, no t to p re sen t a n y lea rn ed exposition on salvation, b u t to m eet th e n eed th a t exists fo r som e­ th in g th a t will b rin g hom e to th e h e a rt the m ost im p o rt­ a n t p oints th a t a re vital to th e W ord of God. A tten tio n is called to th e M odern tendency in evangelical p re a c h ­ ing to em phasize the love of God and to hide o u t of sight an y teach in g of H is justice. T his w o rk u n d e rta k es to p re sen t a c le are r view of revelation and to call b ack p re ac h ers to a m ore p erfect know ledge of th e c h a ra c te r of God. C loth $2 .0 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods are to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B 1 0 L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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