King's Business - 1925-05

May 1925



SATAN’S TRIANGLE (Continued from page 199)

"Best” Books

■of fact there are many varieties of belief in each of these fields of thought. This helps to explain why there are so many kinds of Modernism. For clearness in thinking, we shall separate the topics and discuss each one separately. They may be separated in a book or a series of articles, but not in the soul or life of a person. Thinking Through In the discussion of these subjects, I ask only that the reader may have an open mind, open to the truth. ,1 am not afraid of the truth, of reason, or of knowledge. Most of us are lazy intellectually. We are not willing to learn the whole truth, to think the thing through to the, end. We are not willing to make a right angle turn. We want to cut the corner in our thinking. We are Democrats or Republicans by faith. We are special creationists or evo­ lutionists by faith. We are largely what we are by faith and not by reason (Faith is here used in a broad sense). Faith should not be a “blind act 6f the soul, a leap in the dark.” Real faith and reason ever walk hand in hand. They are inseparable. I cannot prove that my father is my father. However, faith, backed by reason, tells me that I am his son. I cannot prove that God exists. But faith born of reason tells me that He is. What is Faith? In terms of Christianity, faith is belief in God’s Word, the Bible. There are two”realms of truth: the intellectual and the Spiritual. We can build intellectual truths on intellectual or natural axioms only. We can build spiritual truths on spiritual or supernatural axioms only. Reason cannot enter the field of faith other than to consider evi­ dence for and against. Special Creation, the Virgin Birth, and the Resurrection are, th6n, in the realm of the super­ natural. Faith must decide for or against. However, even here faith is buoyed up by every evidence that sacred and profane history give. Peter had faith that Christ .^vas his Lord. Here again was faith augmented by reason.,. Peter had seen Jesus per­ form miracles and so he believed. “Whom say ye that I am?” “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” The Son of God still asks this age-old question. May we answer with eyes open to the truth, and with a faith illum­ inated with the wisdom that the Holy Spirit alone can give. To speak with any authority concerning faith, we must have faith. To think deeply about Christianity, we must first have had a Christian experience. (Continued in June issue)

—For Preacher, Teacher and Church Officials The Mystery of Preaching By D r. Jam es Black

A volum e p ack ed w ith info rm atib n a n d a d v ic e . for p re a c h e rs of th e W ord. C ounsel on p re p a ra tio n in th e study, delivery on th e platform , on a rra n g em e n t and use of m aterial for preach in g ,, on exp o sito ry m ethods, p u b ­ lic read in g of th e S criptures, an d m ost difficult of all, p ublic p ra y er, a re h ere. M em orable aphorism s abound, an d n o t th e least valuable p o rtio n s of th e book a re th e incidents draw n from th e a u th o r’s own p re a c h ­ in g experience. N otable am ong these is th e incident re co rd in g D r. A lex. W hyte’s advice to him a t a crisis in his m inistry-— clarify y o u r th o u g h t.” A valuable book, w o rth y to stand on every p re a c h e r’s book-shelf. C loth $1 .7 5 Bible Snapshots By Am os R. W ells Sentence Sermons By Roy L . Sm ith

Every read er of The K ing’s B usiness will enjoy reading a n d ow ning P ro fesso r W ells’ la te st w ork. H is “sn ap sh o ts a re the liv est and m o st in ti­ m ate m ode of pictu rin g , of studying, som e fam iliar Bible incident, w ith a w onderfully helpful ap p licatio n to o u r m odern life._______ C loth $1.50

T his volum e of five h u n ­ dred seven-fold illu stratio n s is an in strum en t— a tool— for preachers, teach ers an d public speakers in general. A book of entirely new an d original “w indow s fo r se r­ m ons.’’ C loth $1.50

How Shall I Study My Bible

By M. E. a n d F. A . M a rk h an T his book really tells how to successfully stu d y the Bible. T he m ethod is an exam ination of each book in its p ro p e r p lace a n d o rd er, w ith helpful indications as to au th o rsh ip , key w ords an d passages, logical divisions and sp iritu al applications. A p ra ctic a l an d w onderful book fo r use b y those w ho w ould read, m ark, lea rn an d inw ardly digest th e S acred S criptures. C loth $ 1 .5 0 Church Ushers’ Manual

The Competent Church By Frederick A. A gar, D. D. T his book p resen ts a v ery carefully p rep ared stu d y of the essen tial elem ents th a t are needed to produce a com pe­ te n t church. A church, a fte r all, is an assem bly of in d i­ viduals, a n d Dr. A g ar a d ­ dress him self to his su b jects accordingly. T h a t is to say, his w ork is given a d istin ctly personal note, a n d form s, in reality, a n essay in individual C h ristian com petency. A book th a t every chu rch officer needs to pray erfu lly study. C loth $1.00

B y W illis O. G arrett, D. D. The pu rp o se of th is m anual is to p resen t in brief form som e of the p rinciples an d m ethods of procedure, w hich m ay be conducive to th e b e t­ te r ordering a n d c arry in g ou t of th e im p o rtan t d u ty of w el­ com ing stra n g ers to th e H ouse of God. D r. G a rre tt’s w ise and p ra c tic al suggestions can n o t well fail to m ake for efficiency, an d an intelligent a s well as a tru ly G hristian apprehension of th e duties and obligations of church u sh er­ i n g . _________ B oards 50c

The Art of Addressing Children By H . Jeffs

H e re is a w rite r w ho u n d e rstan d s ch ild ren an d how to a d d ress them , a n d in giving us his first-hand stu d y of th e child s m ind h e has set fo rth a few sim ple comm on- sense prin cip les fo r th e p re a c h e r of adults. T h e re is a good deal of tru th in his statem ent, “ If o n e-ten th of th e tim e sp en t in theological colleges w as devoted to show ing the fu tu re p re a c h e r how to tell th e Bible stories to chil­ dren, his serm ons to th e grow n-ups w ould gain tw o-hun­ dred p e r cent in living in te rest.” A splendid com bina­ tion of tex t-b o o k an d illustration th a t m akes it one of th e best books th a t can be recom m ended to those w ho seek to c a p tu re th e child's a tte n tio n an d in terest. C lo th $ 1 .5 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods w ill be sen t C. O. D , unless otherw ise specified. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r p o stag e. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

m m A BANKER WHO BANKS ON THE R TB T/ e : (Continued from page 202)

“You may ask what application to the members of the Buffalo Association of Credit Men and the Buffalo Chapter of the American Institute of Banking has such a sermon as I am preaching? Do not forget that perhaps the most important factor in credit is honesty and integrity of the debtor, and his intent to pay his debts, even if they take the last cent he has. On this subject, the Bible is the greatest text book and the Golden Rule one of its greatest texts.”

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