King's Business - 1925-05

May 1925



HAECKEL. AND HIS ACCUSERS (Continued from page 201) Aimless Apes

Effective Tracts New Issues not found listed in our regular Catalogue Ye M ust Be B orn A gain By D. L . M oody H ow th e Blessing C am e By a C ountry C urate

A pertinent question might be asked here: Why did man’s remote animal ancestors want to descend from the trees and become terrestrial creatures, when skill in climbing would have been extremely helpful to them in escaping from many of their enemies? The fundamental principle of evo­ lution is that the useful elements of all organisms are the ones that are preserved in the struggle for existence. On the other hand, if living on the ground was an advantage to the primates, from which men and monkeys are supposed to have evolved, one cannot help wondering why the other simian types did not perceive it and make use of it, too, and thus also evolve into the genus homo. It is curious, any way you look at it, why certain primates took a notion to evolve into men,- while others persisted in remaining in statu quo, and have, held on to their siminianism' ever since, even when they have had many examples of progress before them in the human folk with whom they have been associated. All this remarkable differentiation between men and simians took place, according to Haeckel, either hy accident or hy blind law, for he* did not believe in a personal Creator and Preserver. Is it not strange and unaccountable that some of the primates4?i-or at least one pair— took a notion to develop into human beings, while all the others developed into mere simians, and have remained simians ever since? On the other hand, if there is a wise Creator; as we Chris­ tians firmly believe, it is easy to see why He created rational human beings, and placed the animal kingdom below them in order to serve them. We can also under­ stand why monkeys never evolved into men; God did not want them to encroach on -the human realm, but to remain in their proper place of subservience in the economy of the world. The doctrine of Christian theism best explains all these data. Otherwise they are' insoluble. Reason vs. Revelation Let us now observe some other revelations in Haeckel’s tractate. On page 5 he speaks of the “clear dicta of reason in pure science and the nebulous imaginings of religion.” By this very token he proves that he never had an experi­ ence of the truth of Christianity or he would not have called it “nebulous.” The experience of God, pardon and salva­ tion through Jesus Christ, is anything but “nebulous” to the truly converted person. On the- other hand, there are a good many “nebulous” things in the speculations of the scientists. Further on he declares his “firm conviction that the entire world proceeds according to ‘great, eternal iron laws based upon the very nature of things, and that the highest concept, God, lies in those ,laws themselves.’ ” We fail to see how the concept of mere laws is higher than the concept of a wise, personal, beneficent and all- powerful God, such as Christians believe in. Over against this conception of everything being due to “great, eternal iron laws,” he places the conception of the “traditional churches,” saying: “They maintain that a personal god (sic) created and rules the world; that he discovered the natural laws according to which the world’s development takes place.” No Christian is so crude as to hold that God “discovered” nature’s laws. Christians teach that He ordained, established and executes those laws. It would be a strange kind of God who would create the universe, and then “discover” the laws by which it is governed. We can hardly believe that Haeckel would be so ill-informed as to accuse any one of holding so absurd a doctrine.

T his is n o t a tra c t fo r the unsaved b u t is intended for d istrib u tio n am ong self sa tis ­ fied C hristians w ho are asleep in Zion. If y o u r chu rch is dead— sp iritu ally— get a su f­ ficient supply of th ese tra c ts an d p ass them around. 15c p er doz.; $1.00 p er 100 A splendid tra c t to p u t into th e hands of new C hristians or old C h ristian s w ho are lacking definite a ssu ran ce of sa lv a ­ tion. It outlines th e p lan by w hich the joy of H is salv atio n m ay b e y o u rs continually. 23c p er doz.; $1.50 p er 100 R eligion E nough to H u rt The h a rd e st p erson in all th e w orld to reach for definite conviction of sin is th e w orldly chu rch m em ber. T his tra c t w as w ritten to reach ju s t th is class of people and its use has been greatly blessed of God. 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 A S tran g e D ream A nd a tru ly w onderful sto ry it is b u t ju s t th e kind to p u t in to th e h an d s of th e w icked­ e st m an in tow n. J u s t the tra c t th a t you will w an t to use w ith th o se w ho you have been unable to w in b y any arg um en t you could present. 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 I Saw th e R ed L ight T he E ngineer’s C onversion If you are needing an effec­ tiv e tra c t fo r use am ong ra il­ ro ad m en you will find th a t th is tra c t will n o t only be eagerly read b u t— it often b rin g s conviction— th e kind of conviction th a t resu lts in tru e salvation. 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 T h e S alvation or Loss of a Soul By R o b ert Telfer This tra c t tells the personal experience of th e w rite r who w as religiously b ro u g h t up an d th o u g h t he w as on his w ay to heaven,' u n til ' he m ade the sta rtlin g discovery th a t w ith all his m o rality an d religious­ ness he w as n o t on th e w ay to heaven a t all b u t, on the co n tra ry , going dow n th e b ro ad ro ad like th e openly ungodly. Splendid for general distrib u tio n . 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 Some S ober Scientists By K eith L. B rooks S alvation an d C omm union B y D r. A. T. P ierson

The old old sto ry of m an’s need an d a loving Saviour ready to m eet th a t need to ld a s only D. LI. M oody could tell a sto ry . V ery effective in personal w ork. 10c per..doz.; 75c p er 100 A Soldier’s T estim ony By L ieut-C ol. F . R oberts A very in terestin g ly w rit­ ten sto ry telling how one so l­ dier n o t only found a Saviour in Jesu s b u t also learned ^to know h is w onderful keeping pow er. 10c p er doz.;75c p er 100 T h e Tw o Fam ilies By T. D. W . M uir A v ery well w ritten tra c t for use am ong nom inal C hris­ tian s w ho m ay b e only church m em bers, an d n o t b o rn again children of God. T h ere are plen ty of places w here you can use.- 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 T h e R oyal Fam ily By B ishop Ryle M ost people th in k it would be a w onderful privilege to belong to th e royal fam ily here on earth . , T his tra c t tells how any sinner m ay becom e a real child of the K ing and saved everm ore. 10c p er doz.; 75c p e r 100 H ow I W as B orn By H y P ickering A very in terestin g life sto ry of a m an who w as first born in to th e fam ily of respectable chu rch people an d w ho grew up u n to n scio u s of h is need of being b o rn again b u t w as fin­ ally saved th ro u g h atten d in g m eetings in a co u n try farm ers b arn . 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 By H enry W . Figgis Tells w hy we are n o t ch il­ dren of God b y n a tu ra l b irth b u t how we m ay becom e such th ro u g h a definite acceptance of Jesu s C h rist as o u r own personal Saviour. A splendid tra c t for general use. 10c p er doz.; 75c p e r 100 C onversion— A V ital Necessity By J. R. Caldwell The A u th o r say s: 1 w ould here m o st earn estly w arn all w ho read th is to m ake su re th a t they are on th e rig h t foundation. T housands upon th o u san d s, we fear a re resp ec­ tab ly an d religiously going to hell. The need of definite con­ versio n is v ery clearly set forth. 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 T h e O bedience of F a ith By D r. A. T. Pierson If we stu d y th e cases of conversion in th e New T e sta ­ m ent we shall find th a t all of them are exam ples of th e obe­ dience of faith . W e can n o t cause the new h irth in o u r­ selves b u t we can, by th e obe­ dience of faith, becom e its subjects. 10c p e r doz.; 75c p er 100 H ow to B ecom e C hildren of God

T his tra c t v ery definitely disproves th e statem e n ts of th e ad v o cates of E volution who claim th a t all g re a t sci­ e n tists a re agreed in su p p o rt­ ing th e evolutionary h y p o th e­ sis, by giving th e nam es of m any of th e w orld’s g reatest scien tists who a re definitely opposed to E volution. 25c p er doz.; $1.50 p er 100 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.______

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