May 1925
On page 7 our author declares that the idea of “creation by evolution” is “contradictory,” and here he is- correct. Later on (p. 10) he quotes approvingly from Professor Lud wig Plate, who spoke of “the sharp, irreconcilable con trast between science and orthodox religion.” Of course, by “science” the two professors meant evolution, which they held could not be harmonized with religion-—a warn ing to the people of our day who want to hold on to both evolution and Christianity. On page 12 Haeckel names four cardinal doctrines of the Christian religion, quoting from Dr. Eberhard Dennert, the author of “At the Deathbed of Darwinism.” Then Haeckel declares that this Christian view “does not rest upon the firm foundation of scientific experience, but upon mystic revelation, the very opposite pole of scientific , experience.” Among the doctrines thus rejected by Haeckel are: that “thè world is limited by time and was created by an eternal personal God;” that “God made man the crown of creation by putting His spirit into mortal clay and giving man a moral nature.” Against these Christian conceptions our materialist sets the doctrine of evolution. This ought to cau se, serious reflection among Christian people. Curious Contradictions One of Haeckel’s scientific critics, Dr. Arnold Brass, said, “The cells of the human tissue differ conspicuously from those of other mammals.” Haeckel avers that “every his tologist” knows better. In sixty years of investigation, he declares, “no one has succeeded in finding any histologic differences between man and the other animals.” “The same is true of the egg cell,” he says. But, whether scientists can discover any difference or not between human and animal sperm-cells, there must be a difference, and a fundamental difference it must be. Do you ask why? Because the one always unfolds into rational human beings, with thought, emotion and will, while the other always develops into an animal. The dif ferentiation therefore must be in the egg cell itself. We have been dealing with what our evolutionist Says on page 20. On pages 21 and 22, he angrily resents the accu sation that human and an im a l, embryos “¿re absolutely identical.” He adds: “Neither I nor any scientist ever made the senseless statement that the embryos of men,and apes, dogs and rabbits are at. any stage of development identical. The very fact that they evolve into different things refutes such a thesis. Even in the simple, spherical germ-cell, chemical differences in the molecular composi tion of the plasma may be assumed with, certainty, though the limited means at our command prevent us from proving that they exist.” This is a frank admission, and a true one; but it does not agree with his statement on page 20 that in sixty years no “histological differences between man and the other animals” have been found by scientists. Haeckel’s friends may hold that there is no contradiction here, but one thing is sure—the concession on pages 21 and 22 nullify the argument for evolution from the recapitulatory theory; for, since there is an essential difference between the germ- cells of men and those of animals, it is impossible for men to have been evolved from animals. The evolutionists place much stress upon the appearance of the so-called “gill slits” at one stage in the development of the human embryo. But these slits may be easily accounted for as a necessary stage in the formation of the aorta. Naturally the sides of this artery would first be formed, and then would gradually grow together. There fore the resemblance to a gill slit may be merely incidental and superficial.
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