May 1925
The same may be said of the alleged fact that the human embryo at one stage seems to display a tail. We reply: naturally the vertebral column of the fetus must be formed at an early period of the embryonic development, and must become somewhat solidified, in order that the softer parts of the body may be gathered and organized about it. How else could the human body be developed? So it would seem that the evolutionists have mistaken the. early formation of the spinal column for a monkey’s tail! But suppose that the parallelisms claimed by the evolu tionists in the development of the human fetus did exist, what would it prove? Evolution? Not necessarily. It might just as clearly point to the unity of the Creator’s plan. It might indicate that He created man in such a way as to relate him organically to the rest of the organic world. We might reason in this way: If man was to fit into his natural environment, he must be like it in many respects. Otherwise he would be a total misfit. He could not live in the world as an utter alien. His body must be capable of assimilating thé material of the inorganic realm through eating vegetables and animals. Thus, if his embry onic development at certain stages resembles that of the plants and animals, it simply proves that his Creator made him to fit into his environment in an organic way even to minute details. We hardly see how else man could have been at home in the natural habitat in which God placed him. Thus we hold that the recapitulation doctrine, if it should he proved to be true, would furnish stronger evidence of creation than of evolution. If two machines are very much alike, it does not follow that one evolved from the other, hut rather that the same artisan planned and constructed both of them. So the unity of the cosmos proclaims the unity of its First Cause— the one Creator. É è ÉÊ OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA (Continued from page 209) When most of the crowd had gone two of the girls car ried the large charcoal brazier back to the guest hall, two ran for a tray of tea, and the other two escorted quite a lit tle crowd to this little room. It was very simply furnished, — three beds, a table, and a couple of stools. They all gathered around the brazier, which was placed in the cen ter of the room on the mud floor, and sipped hot tea. And then the “heart-to-heart talks” began, and every girl and woman who reads this paper will know what that means. In the evening the pastor holds the meeting, and it is thrown open for men too. In the mornings the girls, after their united Bible study, go from house to house telling “the Story” and inviting the women to come in the after noon and hear more. Ü * * * And now we have been back in Changsha for some weeks, and the bands have been dissolved into classes and are hard at work studying the Word. Splendid reports have come from almost every hand. Please listen while I outline o n e . of the reports given last Saturday night. Mr. Hsu said, “When we reached S— we found a church that had been organized for thirteen years, and had just thirteen members; when we left 130 were enrolled as inquirers.” It was evident from the remainder of Mr. Hsu’s report that this work was not superficial, for they had conducted two daily Bible classes besides the regular house to house and chapel preaching. Some places are more ready than others for the Gospel, hut every report of this vacation band work warms our hearts to the consciousness that it is well worth all the difficulties and problems and expense involved.
“Best” Books Each one of which is worthy of your careful consideration
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A m ost im p o rtan t question, an d one th a t every young m an and young w om an m u st face and answ er if he o r she would do m ore th a n d rift. The a u th o r has show n g re a t p ra c tical in sig h t in to th e needs of young people, a n d h as dem on s tra te d th a t he ' h as a v a st deal of know ledge of w h at is required if life is to ■be forced to yield th e b e st it has. The book is helpful and suggestive, and one th a t o ught to appeal to th e tho u g h tfu l boy o r girl. It is w o rth y of careful reading, an d the stu d en t who follows its several suggestions will acq u ire a fund of Bible know l edge. It is to be hoped it will have a w ide circulation.
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The Passing of the Word
By H elen H enshaw A ll girls love a college story, an d w ith M arian M ans field and h e r friends th e re a d e r is k e p t in a college atm o s phere, w ith happiness a n d rom ance from th e first page to the last. M arian is such a fo rtu n a te girl, h ap p y and lovable, an d no th in g seem ed to be lacking. B ut w hen this beautiful an d p o p u lar girl p u t C h rist in th e cen ter of h e r life things began to h ap p en . A ll w as n o t such sm ooth sailing as before, b u t M arian knew she w as only th en beginning to live. O th e r lives w ere changed b y h e r changed life, a s she h ad b een by the strong, sw eet, wom anly co n secratio n of R u th H olm an. It is a sto ry fo r girls, w holesom e and sw eet. C loth $1 .5 0 I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o r d e r , g o o d s w ill b e s e n t C . O . D ., u n le s s o t h e r w is e s p e c if ie d . I f g o o d s a r e t o c o m e b y m a il a d d 1 0% f o r p o s t a g e . B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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