May 1925
THE LIMITATIONS OP SCHOLARSHIP (Continued from page 203)
“Best” Books For the deepening of The Spiritual Life Our Silent Partner By A lvah Salin H o b a rt T his is a profitable book, w ith a m ission. E very one should have a d istinct belief co n cern in g the H oly Spirit, an d should have such a belief as will help him to be a b ra v e r and m ore serviceable m an. “O u r Silent P a rtn e r“ leads in to green p a stu res and beside still w aters, a n d it also leads into th e m aking of the m ost of o u r pow ers for God an d for hum anity. It is em inently sc rip tu ra l. It discusses th e p ra ctic a l do ctrin es of th e H oly S p irit in the 'light of ex act an d com prehensive exegesis. It necessarily c o rre c ts m uch h asty an d u n w a rran te d teach in g c o n c e rn ing th e Holy, S pirit. C loth 75c The Greatest Force on Earth By Thom as Payne, D.D. The Kneeling Christian ' “ ‘God w ondered.’ T his is a very strik in g th o u g h t! The
not learned in science, will refuse to accept that extreme materialistic evolution which cannot he reconciled with what they believe to be revealed truth. III. Note again, that we need not be at all disturbed by the aspersions of a certain scholarship which derides the ignor ance of many who maintain their faith. So it has always been. “Dost thou teach us?” they cry, as the rulers did to the blind man. So, also, the officers who were sent to arrest Jesus, returned without him, giving as their reason, “Never man so spake.” But that was no reason to the members of their high court, and they ridiculed them. “Are ye also led astray? Hath any of the rulers believed on him? or of the Pharisees? But this multitude that knoweth not the law are accursed.” Nicodemus, however, seemed to think differently, apparently believing that the officers who had heard Jesus were nearer the truth than the judges who had not heard Him, and who had not given Him the chance to speak for himself. I t . was the same: later on,* when the rulers held an informal meeting to try Peter and John. They “perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men,” and they “marveled.” But that was all. They would have convicted them had not the lame man, whbm they had healed, been standing by. He was their unanswerable argument. And so it is today, the healed men and women— cured of their sin and their sorrow— are our witnesses. It is to the everlasting shame of these same rulers that they even discredited Jesus himself, saying, “How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?”;;:1Jesus himself was not a “scholar,” according to their standards, and He did not claim to be. No one, then, need hesitate to stand with .the returning officers, with Peter and John, with Jesus himself. IV. Note again, that those who have not much scholarship are yet fully competent to sit in judgment on that which scholarship offers. There áre some scholars who vehemently deny this. They maintain that unless people have studied their books and mastered their learning and, in short, coincide with their opinions, they are not scholars. Little weight is to be attached to their notions. The conclusions of these “unlearned and ignorant men,” are without value, and their criticism of scholarship is absurd. Nevertheless, the jury in all those matters that concern religion has always been largely composed of the “unlearned and ignorant,” and their verdict always has been and always will be final. The case is submitted to them; they hear the evidence; they are informed with regard to the law, they become intelligent and competent, and with them rests the issue. Jesus said as much as this when he told the Jews, “My teaching is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from myself.” It is not scholarship, then, which renders one competent to decide whether a doctrine is from God or not, but honest devotion to the will of God. . V. Note finally, that all this becomes the more manifest and emphatic when we remember that the history of scholar ship is largely the record of mistakes.
v ery boldness of the idea o ught to a rre s t th e a tte n tio n of every e arn est C hristian. A w ondering God! W hy, how stag g ered we m ig h t well be if we knew th e cause of God’s w onder! Y et we find it to be a p p aren tly a v ery little thing. B ut if we a re w illing to co n sid er th e m a tte r carefully, we shall discover it to be of the g re a te st possible im portance to every believer on th e L ord Jesu s C hrist. N othing else is so m om entous, so v ital, to our sp iritu al w elfare. God ‘w on dered th a t th ere w as no in te r cessor* (Isaiah 5 9 :1 6 ).” P a p e r 75 cts.
W ith ra re sp iritu al in sig h t th e au th o r here sets fo rth th e pow er of intensified p ra y e r in a w ay th a t is m o st searching to th e reader. As it is in Bible study, so it is in p ray er, an d how few of us really p ray . Dr. Payne, h as devoted a larg e p a rt of his book to ex am ples of th o se who did dig deep an d prevailed w ith God, such a s A braham , Jacob (when he had pow er over th e an g el), Moses, H annah, Elijah, D an iel, an d ou r L ord him self, an d from th ese exam ples a re draw n sp iritu a l lessons th a t m u st be m o st quickening to th e b e l i e v e r . _________ C loth $1.35 Untangling Live Wires
By W . W . N ew berry Live w ires p e rfo rm m any g re a t services for m ankind, b u t if th ey a re carelessly handled they a re deadly to those who to u c h them . In th e realm of th e sp iritu al th e re a re m ighty forces a t w ork, a n d he w ho ru sh es blindly into d a n g er need n o t be astonished if he finds th a t he has been deluded. T his book p o in ts o u t in a sane an d p ractical w ay som e of th e dan g ers th a t lie in th e p a th of th e sp iri tu a lly m inded C hristian, a t the sam e tim e p o in tin g out th e safeguards th a t God h as given us fo r o u r p ro tectio n . It is a tim ely book, an d it will solve m any p ra ctic a l diffi culties. It is a book th a t o u g h t to be in th e hands of every C hristian, a n d it will b e a r freq u e n t reading. P a p e r 35 cen ts The Power of Prayer and the Prayer of Power By D r. R. A. T orrey The Reality of Prayer By E dw ard M. B ounds
W e are rem inded th a t p ra y e r fills m an’s p o v erty w ith God’s riches, b u t it is pre-em inently w orship, and so real p ray er can n o t ju s t be a selfish a sk ing. “P ray er is God’s business to w hich m en can atten d . P ray e r is God’s necessary business w hich m en only can do, an d th a t m en m u st do. Men who belong to God are obliged to p ray . W e m ust really pray, and b ack of real pray er, of course, lies life, an d so p ra y e r is linked up w ith one’s w hole C h ristian life and devotion to God. C loth $1.25
O ver 25 y ears ago D r. T o r rey w rote a little book on pray er, entitled ‘‘How to P ray .” T his book w as m ightily used, a n d is still going strong. The p re sen t volum e is a m ore extensive stu d y in the doctrine an d p ractice of p ray er. The a u th o r w rites w ith conviction b o rn of long experience. He believes th a t th e ch urch an d th e n atio n and all natio n s need a sweeping, G od-sent revival, an d th a t prayed is th e one o r the b e st available agency fo r m an to b rin g th is ab o u t. So th ere is continual c o n ta ct th ro u g h o u t th e book w ith everyday life a n d conditions. Indeed, th e
m a tte r of th e book w as re cently given in serm ons a t Los A ngeles.____________ C loth $1.75 If m oney does n o t accom pany prder, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r p o stag e. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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