May 1925
Time was when the astrologers and alchemists were reckoned as the scholars of the world, and it may he that there are some like vagaries today that pass for scholar ship. At all events, in view of all the scientific and philo sophic theories that have been proposed, elaborated, defended and accepted, only to be at length questioned, amended, and often abandoned, it behooves scholarship to be much more humble and much less dogmatic than some of it is at present. The , fundamental truths of revelation have endured, through many generations. These have seen many assump tions of scholarship come and go; again and again the very mistakes of scholarship have contributed to their confirma tion, and he is a very foolish Christian who will surrender any of them to an unbelieving scholarship which offers no positive proof of its claims. The King’s Business heartily commends to Christian peo ple everywhere the splendid work being done by Rev. John D. Nutting, of The Utah Gospel Mission, and the enlighten ing periodical published by him under the above title. In a recent letter to the editor Mr. Nutting states that he; has labored for 31 years to make the actual evils of Mor- monism known, that no one may be misled concerning it. He is now 71 years old, and feels that he must get the facts before the Christian people before he goes. “Light on Mormonism” is printed for that purpose, but it cannot be continued without a larger circulation. If Christians realized the grave menace of Mormonism they would be on the alert, but they are indifferent because they are not informed. MORMONISM makes about 10,000 CONVERTS YEARLY through their 2100 emissaries who go,' two by two, into the homes, and FOUR FIFTHS of their converts are from PRO FESSING CHRISTIAN PEOPLE, simply because they DO NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT MORMONISM REALLY IS! “LIGHT ON MORMONISM” will AWAKEN YOU, inspire you to AWAKEN OTHERS, and thus HELP DELIVER VICTIMS. EVERY CHURCH should SUBSCRIBE for enough copies to SUPPLY ITS FAMILIES. A few single subscribers are good, but it is the CHURCH which is being DEFINITELY ATTACKED and THREATENED and it is the CHURCH which must MEET THE DANGER. The VERY LOW PRICE (only sufficient to cover printing and mailing— no salaries or profits for anyone) is: Single Subscriptions, 25c per year; 25 or more, 14c each; 100 or more, special rates on request. SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY to Rev. John D. Nutting, 9277 Amesbury A,venue, Cleveland, O., and at the same time assure him of your hearty cooperation in his splendid and unselfish service in the cause of Christ, and of your prayers in his behalf.
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T . C. H orton,
536 S. H ope Street,
Los A ngeles, Calif.
D ear F riend: Please enroll my nam e as a "D efender of the F a ith " to fight th e d estructive deniers of th e W ord of God, an d send m e suggestions for c arry in g on th e b a ttle in defense of the h o n o r of o u r Lord, o u r hom es and o u r children.
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I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o r d e r , g o o d s w ill b e s e n t C . O . D ., u n le s s o t h e r w is e s p e c if ie d . I f b o o k s a r e t o c o m e b y m a il a d d 1 0% f o r p o s t a g e .
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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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