King's Business - 1925-05

May 1925



F IN E GOLD (Continued from page 207)

“Best” Books —Books that all deserve your best attention Making a Missionary Church By S tacy R . W arb u r to n T his volum e is p re p a re d as a hand b o o k of principles and m ethods of developing a m issionary ch u rch . It seeks to consider com prehensively th e m issionary task of the c h u rch as a w hole a n d to p re se n t a unified p ro -' gram of m issionary education fo r all th e g ro u p s and d e p artm e n ts of th e ch u rch . A g re a t need is to be found ju st here. It is p re sen te d as th e m ost thoughtful, com ­ prehensive, conclusive tre a tm e n t of th e subject. A ll reli gious w o rk e rs will profit by a careful study of this new tre a tm e n t of a g re a t subject. C loth $1 .7 5

“They did it because they were ignorant, bigoted, blood­ thirsty men. The love of gold and wealth far outweighed their love of their fellow men, and they satisfied their pas­ sions regardless of the crimes committed in so doing,” explained Uncle Jack. “But they said they were Christians, and wanted to make them Christian,” said Billie Bob. “They themselves did not know what true Christianity was. Their hearts had never been changed. Their Chris­ tianity was merely a thing of their lips, and, in fact, they used it as a cloak for their sins, and in the name of the Most High God wrought the most fearful deeds. It was an awful pity, for as those ignorant old gold-crazy Spaniards began the persecution, so the poor Incas have suffered for centuries.” “Why, Uncle Jack; are there Incas now? Are some of them still alive? Are they still in Peru?” came the eager questions. “The descendants of those old Incas and their people still live in South America, are still in cruel bondage and suffer untold wrong, and that in the name of religion. That religion-is claimed by its adherents and promulgators to be Christian. Peru is a land of crosses and images, which are called “Christ,” and “the Virgin Mary,” but of Christ the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind only, they know nothing. His name is but the name of an image, and the image of the “Virgin Mary” is better known than any other. These different images are Worshipped as gods, and the poor ignorant people are bound in sin and suffering such as we can little understand in our tolerant, Christian nation.” Billie Bob listened as Uncle Jack explained, with, a thoughtful look in his eyes. “Uncle Jack,” he said, “you know what you said about being ‘Knights of God.’ and put­ ting on the ‘whole armor of God.’ Well, I am going to be a knight of God, and go to Peru and fight for those Indians just as soon as I am old enough. I am going to tell them about the true Jesus who can help them. I’ll tell them those old images are nothing. Why hasn’t someone else gone and told them before this? Why do they have to wait till I am old enough to go? You knew about it, Uncle Jack, why didn’t you go? Why didn’t my father go? I shouldn’t think you would let anything stop you. They have suffered so long.” Billie Bob’s words poured out fast, and not till then did he see the sad look on his uncle’s face. Then for the first time he heard of Uncle Jack’s keen disappointment in not having been allowed to go, and for the first time heard how his mother and grandparents had prevented his father from going. - “Well, then, I shall never get married to a woman,” he said finally, “or at least unless she would promise not to keep me from going to Peru, for that’s where I am going, and I’ll not let any woman keep me back. I just won’t marry her unless she will go, that’s all.” ’ “William, I believe you will go,” replied his uncle. “And now it is your part to get the best training you can between now and the time when you can go.” Billie Bob noted that “William,” and Unclè Jack from that day called him Billie Bob no more. He had never let the boys call him anything but “B ill,” and even Aunt Fanny soon began to call him “William.” The boy, as all boys do, had his serious spells, and talked in a thoughtful way about this which he had chosen as his life work, but many were the times in the future when Uncle Jack wondered if the boy ever remembered their talk on going to Peru; the boy

Morality or Immortality

This Hour Not the Hour of the Prince of Peace By D r. I. M. H aldem an N ever w as th e m essage of th is book needed m ore th an in th e p re sen t days. D r. H al­ dem an h as w ritten a s only he can w rite on th is g re a t su b ­ ject. The book h as a large circu latio n b u t should be read by m any m ore. Buy it an d circu late am ong y o u r friends.

By D r. I. M. H aldem an “ D id o u r L ord Jesu s C hrist com e into th e w orld t° m ake m en m oral o r im m ortal? I am su re th e av erag e C hristian is in the d ark as to th e whole tru th of God, an d th a t the g re a t m ass of m ankind today is on th e edge of im m inent peril by reaso n of th e false preach in g th a t m o rality is C h ristian ity , o r th a t th e su ­ prem e o b jective of. C h ristian ­ ity is a n th ical o r m oral life.’! ______________________ P a p e r 35c

P a p e r 2 5 c

Winning the Children

By D. P. T hom son T h e ed ito r’s In tro d u ctio n is as stra ig h tfo rw a rd as th e title of th e book. H e believes th a t even children raised in C h ristian hom es need to be w on to C h rist as th eir own decision, a n d c an be so w on. T h e first a n d g re a t­ est responsibility rests w ith p a ren ts, th en w ith Sunday School teachers, b u t h e also advocates th e m inistry of special ch ild ren ’s evangelists. T h ere a re 12 c h ap ters in th e book, a few of w hich a re “T h e m ind of th e Child,*’ “T h e form ative Y ears of Life,** “Jesus a n d the C hil­ d re n .” T h e book is tho ro u g h ly p ractical th ro u g h o u t, a n d p o in ted in th e rig h t d irection. C loth $1 .7 5 Eternal Life in Action B y J . C . M a s s e e Holy Places and Precious Promises

B y L . R . S c a r b o r o u g h

Dr. M assee reg ard s th e F irst E pistle of Jo h n as th e la st b it of inspired w ritin g contained in H oly S cripture, an d its them e th e p ra c tic al ap p lica­ tio n of divine love to th e daily w alk an d life of th e C hristian believer. H e em ploys th e il­ lu stra tiv e m ethod of exposi­ tion, an d in th e judicious use of sim ile a n d incident b rin g s o u t th e exceptional force and c la rity of Jo h n ’s la st m essage, — th e love of God a s shown fo rth in his Son, Jesu s C hrist.

A series of serm ons by Dr. Scarborough w ith vivid d es­ crip tio n s of th e lan d w here Jesu s lived an d w orked and died, grouped w ith th e p re ­ cious prom ises w hich are asso ciated w ith these sacred places. Dr. Scarborough d es­ cribes his personal experiences in th e H oly L and a n d a fe a t­ u re of th e book is som e 29 repro d u ctio n s of p h o t o s , w hich th u s p o rtra y Palestine in 1923. M em bers of th e p a rty a re p osed in alm ost every pictu re._____ C lo t h $ 1 .6 0

C lo t h $ 1 .5 0

Bible Soul Winners

By L. A . Banks D r. B anks alw ays strik es th e tru e evangelistic note. H is addresses a re alw ays real b u rn in g m essages of sal­ vation. In his latest b o o k he invites a tte n tio n to som e of th e o u tstan d in g in stan ces reco rd ed in H oly W rit of how th e p ro clam atio n of th e Good News w as accom panied b y th e w inning of souls fo r th e K ingdom . Such a them e is one a fte r D r. B ank’s own h e art, a n d w ith th e aid of a p t illustration, an d fitting episodal ap p lic atio n he presses home- its lessons fo r his re ad e rs today. C loth $1 .5 0 I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o r d e r , g o o d s w ill b e u n le s s o t h e r w is e s p e c if ie d . I f g o o d s a r e t o c o m a d d 1 0% f o r p o s t a g e . B IO LA B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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