King's Business - 1925-05



May 1925

was a real boy, and as is so often the case, after a spell of seriousness they seem to be more thoughtless than ever. Months later Jack Harmon was telling a friend that in a company of fifteen missionaries fourteen of them said they had received their call to the mission field before they were thirteen. William spoke up quickly, “Well, Uncle Jack, I’m another one; I received my call before I was thirteen.” The heart of his uncle was made glad to know that the thought was still a permanent intention in the heart and mind of the boy. Jack Harmon felt that if William should go as a mission­ ary to South America, it would seem a fitting result in view of the father’s life, and although he never urged the course upon William, nevertheless he shaped his training and schooling with that in view. One day William said, apropos of nothing in particular that had been said before,'“Uncle Jack, what do you think I ought to be? What kind of train­ ing will I need for being a ‘knight of God’ in Peru? Do you think I had better be a doctor, or what?” Uncle Jack felt that the question was moinentous, for he had thought much on the subject himself, but before he could formulate a reply, the boy went on, “I think I shall be a minister like father was, and then learn lots of need­ ful things besides, like farming and building houses; Oh! maybe I’ll learn something about doctoring,- but I don’t think I care sov ery much about that kind of work.”" It was such moments as these that were a great encour­ agement to Jack Harmon, for the occasions were rare when William spoke so seriously, and the happy-go-lucky, rollick­ ing times were the rule for the most part. But these mom­ ents of assurances of the boy’s thoughtfulness meant much to him in the boy’s near future. (To be continued) CHRISTIANS SHOULD C— leave Unto the Lord................................................ Acts 11:23 H— ope in God............ ................... ........................„..Psalm 43:5 It— emember the Word................................................ John 15:20 I—mpart to Him That Hath None..............................Luke 3:11 S— earch the Scriptures............................... ............ ....John 5:39 T— ell How Great Things the Lord Hath Done..... Mark 5:19 I—nherit All Things........................................................Rev. 21:7 A—bide in Him.............................................. .............1 John 8:51 N— ever See Death............................................... .........John 8:51 S— tand Fast in the Faith............................... ........1 Cor. 16:13 tf-A. W. S.

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T . C. HORTON , E ditor-in-C hief T he K ing’s Business

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