May 1925
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE—THE LAND— AND THE BOOK Jewish News Notes Compiled by J. A. Vaus, Supt. Jewish Department,
“Best” Books For Bible Study and in Defense of the Bible Christ the Key to Scripture By th e Rev. W . G raham Scroggie M any an honest, e arn e st re a d e r of th e Bible has longed fo r a key th a t w ould help to open its p recio u s pages. H ere it is. O u t of y e ars of thoro u g h , p ainstaking, p ra y e r ful study of th e W ord of God, a n d usefulness in p reach in g and tea ch in g th e S c rip tu re s to thousands, Mr. Scroggie h as w ritte n one of th e m ost suggestive little books, of fifty-six pages, th a t we have ever read. It m akes a delightful hand-book, an u nvaluable aid in th e study of G od’s W ord. T he b o o k tells how C h rist is revealed in pro p h ecy , history, experience, an d in th e glory. P a p e r 2 5 cents Springs in the Desert: Devotional Studies in the Psalms B y J o h n H e n r y J o w e t t The Book of Revelation
Bible Institute of Los Angeles JUDAISM IN THE CRUCIBLE
When one stops to consider that the Jews who are inter ested in and are assisting the establishment of the “Na tional Home” in Palestine, represent every phase of reli gious thought, one naturally wonders what the future of Judaism will be here. Not only are the Jews developing Palestine, but Pales tine is also developing the Jews, and so many elements enter into the Jewish situation in Palestine that it is diffi cult to forecast what will be the future policy of the Zion ist organization in its relation to the Jewish religion. A saying, growing daily more and more common in Palestine, is that “Jews must be Jews in Palestine.” This is nothing more or less than a plea for a more strict observ ance of Orthodox Judaism. There are factions interested in the rebuilding of Pales tine which do not look with favor upon a revival of Juda ism, and could he expected to obstruct any policy looking toward the promotion of Orthodox Judaism. If the writer were to make a prediction concerning what will come out of the mixture of conflicting opinions and plans now simmering in the Palestine crucible it would be to the effect that Palestine will develop a new Jewry. As Palestine is destined to become the center of Jewish learning and culture it seems equally certain that it will also become the hub from which Orthodox Judaism will radiate to world-Jewry, resulting in a national revival of Judaism. Some Bible students entertain the conviction that the present Zionist movement, for the establishment of a Jew ish National Home in Palestine, is doomed to failure because, as they claim, it is a man-made movement, which leaves God out of all consideration. The writer does not share this view, but sees in the phenomenal growth of Jewish progress in Palestine, and in the constantly increasing number of “Halutzims” (pio neers) that are singing the songs of Zion, while they trans form the wilderness into a garden, the beginnings of that great return predicted by the prophet Amos when he said: And I w ill bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof: they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I w ill plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.” The fact that Israel is going back in unbelief and that Palestine is destined to become a center of Jewish culture, that the Temple will be rebuilt with a consequent revival of Judaism, is no proof that the present “return” is not the one predicted in the prophetic books, for we are, by the prophets, led to expect that the national conversion of Israel would follow and pot precede the return to Palestine. As Ezekiel, the prophet, says: iflfpfil you from among: the heathen and grather you on* °.£ a11 countries, and w ill bring: you into your own land. Then w ill I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall he clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, w ill I cleanse you. “A new heart also w ill I give you, and a new spirit w ill I put within you; and I w ill take aw ay the stony heart out of your flesh, and I w ill give you a heart of flesh. ‘And I w ill put my Spirit within you, and cause you to w alk In my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I w ill be your God.”
B y R . H . B o ll H is book is rem arkable f o r its freedom from dogm atic assertion- an d forced in te rp re ta tio n s an d is sane an d sen s ible throughout. B ut it leaves m any q uestions unansw ered an d difficulties unsolved. In th is sm all p ap er-b o u n d book of a dozen ch ap ters, th e read er will find th e larg er outline of th e “A pocalypse” treated , and will have th e w ay opened to a m ore detailed stu d y of its several p a rts. P a p e r 50 cts. Gabe’s Trial B y Jam es W o o d B o u ld in H ere is a little th irty -tw o - p ag e gem w ritten in the co l ored dialect b y a form er m is sionary to China, endorsed by W illiam Jennings B ryan as “excellent” an d as effectively expressing n early all the a rg u m ents a g ain st evolution, an d by Dr. F ro st, th e D irector of th e China Inland M ission, as well w orth reading for its “w hacks a t evolution— are hom e ru n h its.” Gabe. th e p a s to r of R ocky R iver C hurch, is forced to resign his p a sto rate because of his advanced views on evolution, an d in th e p re lim inary tria l a re b ro u g h t ou t w ith rem arkable fidelity an d ra re hum or b o th the a rg u m ents fo r evolution a s a d vanced b y th e M odernists them selves, an d th e answ ers th ereto from those who stan d tru e to th e W ord of God. It is a real defense in an u n u s ual form th a t w ill appeal to m any. P a p e r 25 cts.
Dr. Jo w ett’s voice is silent, b u t in his books we can catch his m essages still. H ere are collected 78 b rief expository studies on tex ts in th e Psalm s, a rran g ed in successive ord er: each one a vivid b it of com m en tary an d application, no t a w ord w asted. T he title of “P ro fesso r” given in affectio n ate b a n te r to a young girl, Louise H arper, did n o t d eter h er from a t tem p tin g to lead a p riv a te Bible stu d y class in h er own hom e for th e p u rp o se of le a rn ing^ “w hether these th in g s be so.” The first ch ap ter of Gen esis b ro u g h t up th e su b ject of Evolution, an d here Louise w isely called to h er aid som e of th e statem en ts of noted sci e n tists show ing th e u tte r u n c erta in ty of th e w hole evolu tio n a ry hypothesis a s com p ared w ith th e plain s ta te m en ts of God’s Book. The question of sin an d th e re dem ptive w ork of C h rist cam e in for discussion an d w hen U ncle Roger, a real p ro fesso r ju s t hom e from a scientific expedition in S outh Am erica d ro p s in unexpectedly, Louise finds a stau n ch an d helpful ally. T his unusual sto ry w ith its clear evangelical tru th op posed to th e false an d unscrip- tu ra l “scientific” teachings should accom plish m uch if placed in th e h an d s of college an d high school young people _________ _________ C lo t h $ 1 .0 0 God’s World-Program C lo t h $ 1 .5 0 Professor Lou B y M a r y E . M c D o n o u g h
By th e Rev. G ra n t S tro h O ne of th e m ost c ertain m eans of stre n g th e n in g the faith of C hristians a s well as of challenging th e in te rest of th e w orld is th e p an o ram ic display of divine p u rp o ses an d activities as reco rd ed on th e pages of histo ry a n d in th e Bible. T h e a u th o r in a skilful a n d fascinating fashion has succeeded in p re sen tin g in b rief com pass the divinely plan n ed course of the ages w ith a sufficient elaboration of all th e elem ents in th e p ro g ram to m ake visualization of th e process clear. T h e agencies con tro llin g h istory a re essentially su p e rn atu ra listic. W h atev e r light God throw s u p o n th e m eaning of life a n d events should be and gen erally is sought, by every serious p erson. T his p re sen ta tio n will well re p ay study. C loth $1 .5 0 I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o r d e r , g o o d s w ill b e C. O D u n le s s o t h e r w is e s p e c if ie d . I f g o o d s a r e t o c o m a d d 1 0% f o r p o s t a g e .
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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