King's Business - 1925-05


It is a signif­ icant fact in t h e s e d a y s when the doc­

trines of the Inspiration of the Word of God and the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ are being brought into question by those in authority in church and

school, that our President should have chosen the first chapter of the Gospel of John as his favorite portion of Scripture, and that this was the portion to which he pressed his lips on the old family Bible when he took the oath of allegiance to the solemn obligations resting upon him as President of these United States.

**But th ese are w ritten , th a t ye m ig h t believe th a t Jesus is th e C hrist, th e Son of God; a n d th a t believing ye m ig h t have life th ro u g h H is nam e.” (Jo h n 20:31.) We could wish that every citizen could read this Gospel, and heartily commend the Special Edition illustrated above for gen­ eral distribution. THE SOUL-WINNER’S EQUIPMENT ..... COD’S PLAN MADE PLAIN IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN — — —

CHAPTER TITLES and DIVISIONS make it easy to comprehend. The HELPS are designed to ASSIST CHRISTIAN WORKERS in their personal endeavor to WIN SOULS, by using this Gospel with them; and also to make it possible for any one into whose hands this Gospel falls to find God’s plan of salvation stated in the terms of the Gospel itself. All NECESSARY INFORMATION for dealing with the UNSAVED is given, and the passages cited are all from the GOSPEL OF JOHN. YOU CAN HAVE THE JOY OF WINNING SOULS if you so desire. Do you desire that joy? Then secure a Gospel and go to work. Send for a Sample, accompanying which will be sent you Suggestions on “How to promote a Real Revival” in school and church.-—Also the leaflet, “The Message of the King.” Single copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4.00 postpaid; 1000 copies, $30.00 not prepaid, i.e., Delivery Extra B I O L A B O O K R O O M 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

HOW TO DEFEND the FUNDAMEN­ TALS of o u r FA ITH . U se th is edition of the G ospel of John. Some of th e doctrines given are: INSPIRATION O F GOD’S WORD Jo h n 6:63; 8:26; 12:50 DEITY OF JESU S CHRIST E tern al God, Jo h n 1:12 O m nipotent, 5:25 Om niscient, 2:24, 25 Om nipresent, 3:13 C reator, 1:3 One w ith the F ather, 14:9 God m anifest, 1:18 God in hum an form , 1:14 God w orshipped, 9:35, 36 ATONEMENT O F JESU S CHRIST Jo h n 1:29; 12:24; 6:51 RESURRECTION O F JESU S CHRIST Jo h n 20:19, 20; 20:26-29 ASCENSION OF JESU S CHRIST Jo h n 16:7; 14:12 SECOND COMING OF JESUS Jo h n 14:3; 21:22,23 A lso, th e D octrines of th e E tern al Life of B elievers, th e P erso n ality of Satan, E tern al Punishm ent.

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