May 1925
to be the means of bringing one hundred adults and children to the Lord each year, from each church. But supposing the number was only fifty; that would mean 30,000 each year, and think what these 30,000 could do towards spreading the Gospel in this and other lands! Now what would $15,000,000.00 invested in a cathed ral mean? Would it, comfort or console the saints? Would it inspire men and women to love the Lord more and be more active in the spread of the Gospel? Would it create a deeper love for God’s Word? Would it have a voice that would speak to the common people and say, ‘‘Come unto me and I will give you rest?” Would it not be simply a bit of beautiful architecture
eyes and blighting the lives of humanity for four thou sand years of the earth’s history. Then Jesus Christ came upon the scene, and Satan sought to snare Him through the three-fold temptation in the wilderness. He failed in his effort to secure the worship of Christ, but he did succeed in enlisting in his service the religious Jews who crucified the Son of God. But, thanks be to God, our Lord conquered death and “ is alive forever more.” But the old conflict continues, and the battle rages with increasing intensity. Throughout the civilized world today two agencies of Satan are dominant. One wages warfare from the rostrum of church and school,
—a monument to the exquisite taste and ability of some arch itect ? Would it ■please Him, think you, who had not where to lay His head ; Him who said, “ Go ye into all the world and give the Gospel to suffer ing, sinful men” ? Would it be a soul saving, soul-strength ening sanctuary, and meet the need of hun gry-hearted, helpless, hopeless, s o r r ow - stricken sinners? What is* the need
shooting straight and shooting to kill the germ of faith in the Word of God, de claring, in effect, “ There is no god b u t protoplasm !’’ The o t h e r works with the toilers, the common people, se ducing his victims and leaving them on the l o w e s t level, without God and without hope. Both o f t h e s e agencies are God-de nying,-. law-defying, civilization -d'e stroy- ing s e r v a n t s of Satan. There is no good in them, for they hay,e no God. They may not always be conscious of this fact, but it is the truth. W h a t c a n be done ? The Govern ment must handle the national Bolshe viks. The t r u e church must fight the Bible Bolsheviks. For the victims of
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of the world? Fif teen more millions for a monument upon which the artist and a r c h i t e c t ma y p r o u d l y inscribe their names, or fif teen more millions distributed a mo n g willing workers with the Word of God in their hands and the love of God in their hearts,, who will go forth, following Him who said, “ Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. ” Can you visualize the two views ? Every saved soul becomes a temple of the living God, and has the God- given privilege of winning other souls, and thus erect ing temples of God in. which and through which His glory will be manifested now and evermore. Are you a builder of temples ? If not, why not ? SIDE BY SIDE—THE DEICIDES A “ deicide,” according to the dictionary, is “ one concerned in putting Christ to death,” and Mr. Pace has given us here an illustration of two agencies being used by the devil today in his deadly desire to destroy the faith of men in the Christ of the Bible. This has been his object from the beginning. He snared our parents in the Garden of Eden and brought them into subjection to the law of sin and death, and through that unchanging law succeeded in blinding the
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both we must pray, and give them the Gospel of a lov ing Father and a crucified Son, in the hallowed power of the Holy Spirit. The fact that we ourselves know the truth and are following our Lord should solemnize our hearts ; and the realization that these blind leaders of the blind are headed for the home of Satan should intensify our desire to give to them the “ Gospel of Good News” which is so dear to us.
“THEN SHALL I KNOW” (1 Cor. 13:12.) Not till the loom is silent, And the shuttles cease to fly, Shall Gbd unroll the canvas, And explain the reason why The dark threads are as needful, In the Weaver’s skilful hand, As the threads of gold and silver . In- the pattern He has planned. ‘ • — Selected.
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