King's Business - 1964-02

was thrown over their heads and their mother’s shoulders. All that could be seen of the children were the outlines of their little round heads. At one of the stops, three sacks were thrown into the bus and left in the aisle by the front door. On the sacks was written in English and in Arabic: “ Grain Sorghum. Donated by the people of the U.S.A.” Under this was the symbol of a handclasp. A student sitting in front of us rested his feet on these sacks as he glanced through an Arabic magazine from Egypt. He stopped at some full- page pictures of the race riots in the U.S. He showed the pictures to his friend and said something unintelli­ gible to me. A man behind spoke in Arabic: “America is a good country, but the people . . .” and he left the sentence dangling. Can you understand what pressures we are up against when we endeavor to proclaim Jesus Christ to them? All the pressures of the Evil One are against us and coupled with this is the “ white hot” nationalism of these people. There are their inborn prides and prejudices, the propaganda of Communism, the false teachings of sects, cults, the isms apart from their own noh-Christian religion. What a tremendous lot of underbrush think­ ing must be cleared away before we can get down to the basic essentials! Populations are growing. More people are being born than are hear­ ing the Gospel. Our missionary forces are not increasing sufficiently to meet the demand. Our Bible schools and seminaries at home, seem to us from this side of the world, to be retrench­ ing in their thinking and it is no longer “ to all the world.” The early church once flourished along the coast of North Africa. Great church leaders came from this area: Augustine, Tertullian, Cyprian, Origen, and others. The church was strong. Then the “ in-fighting” be­

came so strongly entrenched in the lowlands of this country. In addition, there were Eritrean women on board. Their hair was FITTED FOR SERVICE By Horatius Bonar* 0 turn me, mold me, mellow me for use, Pervade my being with Thy vital force, That this else inexpressive life of mine May become eloquent and full of power, Impregnated with life and strength divine. Put the bright torch of Heaven in my hand, That I may carry it aloft, And win the eye of weary wanderers here below, To guide their feet into the paths of peace. 1 cannot raise the dead, Nor from the soil pluck precious dust, Nor bid the sleeper wake; Nor still the storm, nor bend the lightning back, Nor muffle up the thunder, Nor bid the chains fall from off crea­ tion's long enfettered limbs; But I can live a life that tells on other lives, And makes the - world less full of anguish and of pain, A life that, like the pebble dropped upon the sea, Sends its wide circles to a hundred shores. May such a life be mine! Creator of true life, Thyself the Life Thou givest, Give Thyself that Thou mayest dwell in me, and I in Thee. "Scottish hymn writer 1808-1889 was an outstanding premillennarian braided tightly over their heads and fluffed out in back. Little children were slung over their backs in a leath­ er seat and a shamma or white cloth

gan and while they fought, out from the blazing sands of Arabia arose one who called himself God’s messenger, the last prophet. The Muslim hordes with their ciy, “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his messen­ ger” .swept over Egypt and North Africa and were only stopped north of the Pyrenees by Charles Martell in 732 A.D. The church of North Africa and Egypt is no more. Only a small segment of the Coptic church in Egypt remains. There are more Christians under the sand than on


Watchman, what of the night? Are there signs of coming dawn? Watchman, what of the night? Shall we soon behold God's morn? Watchman, what of the night? Will Christ our King be here Before the flush of dawn Or break of day appear? Dawn light or midnight dark May see His advent fair; O Church of Christ, look up! With watchful souls prepare!

— Alice Maude Carvell

top of the sand in this area today! The more the “ in-fighting,” the less the “ out-going.”' The “ in-fighting” caused a relapse in the church to the obedience of Christ’s last command to “ go into all the world and preach the Gospel” and the “ out-go” ceased. Has it not been truly said that he who will not heed history is bound to re­ peat it? Paul’s words still ring out, as true today as when he wrote them: “ How then shall they hear without a preacher?” “ Brethren, pray for us.”

Rev. Acord, a graduate o f Biola, is stationed in Aden, Arabia.


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