King's Business - 1964-02

does not cancel out his other dispar­ aging remarks made with reference to the Bible. The supreme weakness of Barth’s position is his assertion of the Scriptures, while at the same time claiming that many human er­ rors are found in the Bible. - While exalting Christ, as it appears in his writings, yet Barth fails to come out wholly or unequivocally for the truth of the Virgin Birth and the bodily resurrection of the Lord. Dur­ ing his American visit, he neither re­ jected nor endorsed these doctrines to the satisfaction of evangelicals. He became- rather furious when Carl Henry asked him how he thought reporters would have written up the story of Christ’s resurrection were they present at the time. Indeed, Barth as much as denied the bodily resurrection of the Lord. With regard to universalism, Barth does not openly advocate that con­ cept, but, from answers to questions directed to him in Chicago, it is clear that he was willing to give comfort to those holding to universalism. The paradoxical position of Barth on sev­ eral fundamental theological points makes him an unreliable scholar and totally unacceptable so far as evan­ gelicals are c'oncerned. He must be judged by his owii writings and by the public declarations he has made. What then should be our answer to Barthianism? First of all, it should be thoroughly understood. Then it should be feared just like the old-style modernism, which from a different angle, also denies the Bible, its Christ, and our salvation. Moreover, it should be opposed because God’s Word tells us to come out from among the new­ fangled systems of unbelief which will appear during the latter days. The real answer to Barthianism, of course, is found in so clear a preach­ ing of the truth, and so powerful an emphasis on the fundamentals of our faith, that any denial will be recog­ nized for what it is, and will be at

It filtered out swear-words, its- thieves never stole. It was love, joy and peace pre­ arranged. Father, impressed by this moral dis­ play, Thought the set was controlled fron Above. The darkness of crime was trans­ formed into day And violent hatred to love "The set's been converted," cried fa­ ther, amazed; " I think it's repented from sin." He walked to the kitchen as one who is dazed And summoned the family in. He lined up the family in front of the screen, And explained to them what to ex­ pect. That goodness and mercy was all he had seen And words to which none could object. But his folks saw no difference; the flickering tube Seemed just as uncouth as before, With sinister gunman and huckstering boob— Why would it show anything more? Then his wife started laughing and laughed till she cried. Her face turned to crimson, then blue. When father demanded the cause, she replied, "The set's not converted; it's you!" From DECISION magazine © The Billy Gra­ ham Evangelistic Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota — Used by permission. recur to the old truths. We need today the old-time power available only through the presentation of the his­ toric Christian faith. Barthianism must be recognized as simply a new garment for liberalism. While it op­ poses optimistic liberalism, it does riot anchor itself to the historical pillars of the infallible word of God.

by Derek R. W. Wood, England When father comes home from the office he sighs, And settles himself in his chair. He turns on the telly and closes his eyes, And slumber dispels all his care. The broadcast continues while father's asleep, But the film of a serious quake One evening broke into his somno­ lence deep, And suddenly jerked him awake. The next program on was a Gospel address. He switched off the set there and then. But his efforts were met with no striking success, For the set turned itself on again. From that moment on it went out of control; Its viewpoint on everything changed. once renounced. Barthianism has gained headway not only in the mod­ ernistic church, but it has involved many groups and individuals who have been generally regarded as be­ ing conservatives. This is a very dis­ tressing situation which I have dis­ covered all across the land. Let us be awake to this new error, and ever


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