MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR (continued from page 7) It would seem that surely the event that snuffed out the life of the late President Kennedy should drive all of us to a position of alertness in order to make certain that Communism and Communistic sympathizers would be far more effectively dealt with than is presently the case. The rightists would have taken care of the accused murderer of President Kennedy, but instead he was a victim of a compara tively soft attitude toward this leftist ideological persuasion. Certainly it is possible to lean definitely toward the right in one’s attitude without going to the extreme of those who have MAKE ME Make me Thy laborer, Let me not dream of ever looking back, Let not my knees be feeble, hands be slack. O make me strong to labour, strong to bear. From the rising of the morning till the stars appear. Make me Thy warrior, On whom Thou canst depend to stand the brunt Of any perilous charge on any front. Give to me skill to handle sword and spear, From the rising of the morning till the stars appear. Not far from us, those stars— Unseen as angels and yet looking through The quiet air, the day's transparent blue. What shall we know, and feel, and see, and hear When the sunset colors kindle and the stars appear? Amy Carmichael been so completely indiscriminate in their condemnatory name calling. The dangers that are always pres ent on the part of those who are not known as Communist sympathiz ers are sufficient to keep the law en forcement agencies of our land con stantly on die alert. It is a crying shame that to this company of indi viduals, however many there may be, there is to be added that horde of known Communists and Communistic sympathizers who are also allowed to run about always ready and anxious to do their bit in the overthrow of the government and the destruction of our American way of life even to the extent of assassination of our Head of State. If the assassination of President Kennedy does no more than bring this country back to its senses in dealing with the enemies of our beloved land, both at home and abroad, his death will not have been in vain.
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