Leïoumeau COLLEGE
Scripture: Judges chapter 6. Text: vs. 14; “ Go . . . have I not sent thee?” Object: To realize the fact that God calls to His service. Definition: Call—T o summon to a partic ular duty, office or employment. Introduction: God’s Promise, Lev. 26:40-45 I. The Servitude, vs. 1-10 A. The Plundering Midianites, 1-4. B. The People’s M isery, 4-7. C. The Prophet’s Message, 8-10. II. The Servant, vs. 11-16. A. His Courage, 11. B. His Complaint, 12, 13. 1. The True Interpretation. 2. The Present Application.
O F F E R S Y O U M A N Y U N I Q U E A D V A N T A G E S : • The choice o f either liberal arts or engineering at a Christian College where you will be challenged with the claims o f Christ. • An “ Alterday” work-study plan, whereby upper-classmen can carry a normal academic load and in addition, gain practical experience. • Flight training available to all qualified students. • Active program o f inter-collegiate basketball and wrestling. • 24 to 36 weeks, on-the-field missionary training for students taking the Missionary Technology Course. • 155 acre campus within the corporate limits o f Longview.
C. His Caution, 14, 15. D. His Confidence, 16.
III. The Sacrifice, vs. 17-23. A. Gideon’s Request, 17, 18. B. Gideon’s Reverence, 19. C. Gideon’s Recognition, 20-22. D. Gideon Reassured, 23. IV. The Sacrilege, vs. 24-31.
A. The Command, 24-26. B. The Commission, 27. C. The Charge, 28, 29.
D. The Consideration, 30, 31. V. The Speculation, vs. 32-40. A. Gideon’s Call, 32-34. B. Gideon’s Caution, 35-38. C. Gideon’s Confidence, 39, 40. LEAD CAPTIVITY CAPTIVE Scripture: Ephesians 4:7-11. Text: Judges 5:12; “ Lead thy captivity captive.” Object: To understand more fully Christ’s triumph. Definition: Captivity—state of being held in restraint, bondage or confinement. Introduction: The Song of Deborah. 1. Rehearsing the Acts of the Lord. 2. Recounting the Victory over the Canaanites. I. The Triumph of Barak. A. Jabin and Sisera Routed, Judges 4: 23; 5:19-27. B. Zebulon and Naphtali Freed. Judges 5:18. C. Israel and the Land at Rest Judges 5:31. II. The Triumph of Christ, Eph. 4:8; cf. Luke 4:18. A. Satan and Sin Judged. B. Saint and Sinner Freed. C. A ll in Christ at Rest. III. The Triumph of the Christian, Psalm 68:18. A. Sin and Self Defeated, John 16:11. B. All in Christ Renewed, II Cor. 5:17. C. All in Christ at Rest, Eph. 4:8.
Technology and Engineering
Arts and Sciences
Aeronautical Technology Electrical Technology Mechanical Technology Missionary Technology Welding Technology Linotype Technology Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Welding Engineering
Bible Business Administration Chemistry Education (Secondary and Elementary)
English History Mathematics
You’ll enjoy the warm Christian fellowship at
LeToumeau. Students come from 15 foreign countries and from practically every state.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: DeptftS Office of Admissions ■ l LE TOURNE ■ M O V l l m
The college with tSnew concept in liberal I engineering and missionary preparation.
1. Regardless of the Bondage. 2. Regardless of the Burden. 3. Regardless of the Business.
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