King's Business - 1964-02

For Christian teens YOUTH LOOKS AT LOVE LETH A S C A N Z O N I


by James O. Henry Chairman, H istory Department, Biola College

¿y James Marlow


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T h is IS A m e r ic a . '/

Associated Press News Analyst

I t ’ s time America took a look at it­ self. When an African or Asian leader is slain it may be regarded hère as the result of a society less advanced than this one. This is an American myth, as Americans have demonstrated once again: A President and a policeman shot to death and a governor wounded in Dallas and the man charged with the crimes in turn murdered, before he got a fair trial by a gunman who leaped through police lines to shoot him. These, crimes are a product of the American society where violence and talk of violence increase as state offi­ cials defy Federal Court orders until troops are called out to stop them. Yet, supreme achievements of the Western world are supposed to be re­ spect for law, democratic and orderly change in government, a fair trial, and freedom and protection of free­ dom for the individual man, no mat­ ter who he is. If President Kennedy had been the first President killed in office, it would be awful enough. It would mean one individual, ignoring constitutional and peaceful change in government, decided to take the law into his own hands to eliminate an elected leader. But killing American Presidents, or trying to, is now assuming the com­ plexion of a tradition. Four have been assassinated: Lincoln, Garfield, Mc­ Kinley, and now Kennedy. Attempts were made on the lives of three other Presidents: Jackson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Truman. A gunman shot Theodore Roosevelt after his presidency but while he was seeking re-election. In the same period of almost 100 years not one British prime minister was assassinated. A madman did kill a prime minister, Spencer Perceval, 150 years ago. It can’t be argued the British are basically different or that among them the percentage of lunatics or discontented are proportionately smal­ ler. They are simply more dedicated to peaceful and orderly government. As long ago as 1200 B.C., an Egyp­ tian king, Ramses III, looking over his own administration of law and jus-

tice, said: “ I made the land safe so that a lone woman could go on her way freely and none would molest her.” That’s more than the United States can say today, 3100 years later, even about the safety of its Presidents. But the worst criminal, even the killer of a President, is entitled to a fair trial. Even here in Washington, the na­ tion’s capital, there is growing un­ easiness about walking the streets at night because of murder, of people being robbed, stabbed, shot or dragged into alleys to be raped. Appeared L.A. Herald Examiner, Nov. 25, 1963 E ditor ’ s N ote : In view of the recent events related to the assassination of President Kennedy and what those events seem to portend, it is believed that the above Editorial might be more worthwhile than the regular Newsgrams. It is the most normal thing for us as Americans to seek a scapegoat to blame for the whole affair, and then go blithly on our way, never willing to really take stock of ourselves. The right blames the left, the left blames the right, some blame the Negro, others blame the Jew, one religious group blames an­ other. We all blame the Communists, but few are willing to face up to our real national problem which is SIN. Our generation has witnessed the breakdown of spiritual and moral standards, a complete disregard for authority; and a disrespect for God, the Bible, and all that represents true Christianity. What can we expect when Bible reading and prayer are prohibited in our schools, when re­ ligious and moral precepts are laughed at and ignored, when Christ is reduced to the level of mere man, and when the Bible is considered as a myth? We may argue about the symptoms that are becoming more apparent every day, but one thing should be obvious to all, America is a sick nation. Every fundamental Christian should be asking: what can I do? The answer will not be easy to find, but we must find it or perish as a nation. We should pray as we have never prayed before. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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