and quality were so limited. I have read every article in the past few issues and am thoroughly convinced that your magazine will fill a real place of usefulness in our home. Mrs. Leon Fiedl, North Surrey, British Columbia. LETTERS TO GOVERNMENT As a family we really enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS. Our purpose in writ ing this letter is to make known the great need on the part of Christians to write to government officials in Washington. We have a great country and we are able to worship the living God in spirit and in truth. How long will we have this privi lege if we don’t protest mistakes that are being made. We’ve talked to others and they say “let George do it.” What’s hap pening to us — won’t we protect our wonderful freedom of worship? Paul and Deanle Thomas, Burbank, California. THE LAST TRUMP May I ask a question about Dr. De- Haan’s article in the October KING’S BUSINESS entitled “Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?” Paul says (I Cor. 15:52) the dead in Christ will be raised “ at the last trump.” Dr. DeHaan says this is before the tribulation. Jesus said (Matthew 24:31), “After the tribu lation . . . He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” If the dead in Christ are raised before the tribu lation and that is “at the last trump” how can there be another trumpet sound years later. That is a contradiction of language. Either Paul was mistaken or Jesus was mistaken or Dr. DeHaan is mistaken. And who are these “ elect” that are to be gath ered together after the tribulation if the church is already in heaven? •E ditor ' s N ote : Dr. DeHaan answers the question in regard to the trumpets as fol lows: “ You forget there is more than one trumpet. The last trump for the Church (1 Cor. 15:52) is NOT the last trump for the world. The seven trumpets of Revela tion have no connection with the “sound of the trumpet for the Church” or the last trump of l Corinthians 15. In the typoplogy of Israel (Number 10) there were two trumpets, blown on different occasions. You are quite mistaken when you say ‘either Paul was mistaken or Jesus was mistaken or Dr. DeHaan is mis taken.’ You failed to add ‘or I might be mistaken.’ ” The elect referred to here are the scat tered remnant of Israel — not the church. Your recent Christmas folder -suggesting subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS will not be acted upon since all you can show on your covers are pictures of trees and other things. Why can’t you use the cradle or something that has Christ in it for the cover of your December magazine? We can find other pictures any time or anywhere else. Therefore, there is no order for you, because God has been left out. Anonymous, Selma, California. W ILL NOT SUBSCRIBE BECAUSE OF COVERS
EDITORIAL COMMENTS Regarding Dr. Sutherland’s editorial on that “damnable habit” — smoking —, I lovingly suggest that if you are to be con sistent, you should also run another edi torial entitled “A Long Overdue Indict ment Against Overweight Christians," since heart trouble is the No. 1 killer in this country, and doctors agree that over eating is a major contributing factor. Editorials and sermons on this subject might cause those poor saints who have trouble controlling their weight to be uncomfortable. It might even drive them out of the churches. Then they, at least, might develop a Christian understanding for their imperfect brethren who smoke! For they also would know what it feels like to be treated as a spiritual leper or, at best, a second-class Christian. Or do you think God might be more concerned with the soul than with the stomach? In which case, you could run an editorial entitled: “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged” ! Mrs. Jeanne Campbell, Anaheim, California. EDITORIAL NOTE T he K ing ’ s B usiness , as its powerful editorials by editor Samuel H. Sutherland have shown, has no desire to" become .in volved with modernist or liberal teachings of any kind. We deplore the trends of Neo- Orthodoxy and those which attend to it. EVANGELISTIC APPEAL We do appreciate our subscription to T he K ing ’ s B usiness , and its evangelistic appeal. We are subscribing for some of our relatives who do not know the Lord, and are praying that they will come to know Him through reading this magazine. As missionaries our work keeps us separated from them and from a personal witness. James A. Brown, Palmer, Alaska MA IL CARRIERS I look forward to getting T he K ing ’ s B usiness each month, and enjoy every word -of it. I had the pleasure of giving several numbers of it to our mail carrier. He was greatly interested in it. Pray for him. Mrs. Ruby K. Iwln, Pontiac, Michigan NEW FRIENDS Just recently during illness a friend gave me some recent issues of your maga zine to read. I found real delight and blessing in every article. I have wished many times to subscribe to such a maga zine with such variety of useful material for a pastor’s wife. Until now I have tried a number of periodicals all of which were disappointing because the selection
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