King's Business - 1964-02

A U N IQ U E T R A IN IN G SCHOO L How long has the Biola School of Missionary Medicine been train­ ing young people? Since 1945. For seventeen years under the ministry of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, Inc. Where are the graduates of the school located? Throughout the world. On five con­ tinents: A frica: Cameroun, Cent. Afr. Rep., Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali Republic, Mo-

These Needy Korean Orphans Pray That You Will

Choon Ja (X-9)

Kum Chun (X-10)

MAKE ROOM IN YOUR HEART and become their Sponsor for ONLY PENNIES A D A Y ! These lovely children, tragically orphaned, have been brought to us from the streets and alleys o f Korean cities and villages. Now each one o f them, and hundreds of others, is waiting eagerly and praying earnestly for a “ Daddy,” “Mommy,” “ Big Brother” or “Big Sister” to be their sponsor. For only $10 a month—that’s just 30 pennies a day—you may select one o f them to be your very own. Perhaps a friend would like to join you as co-sponsor—$5 each—or will you interest your church, Sunday school class, ladies group or other organization, in this worthwhile Christian ministry? Your sponsorship will provide food, shelter, clothing and cost o f tuition. In our orphanage Homes, these boys and girls are taught the Bible by Bible-believing Koreans. They attend church and Sunday school and are led to receive Christ as Saviour, As sponsor you will have a share in training Korea’s future Christian leaders. W IN T E R IS B IT T E R IN K O R E A The winter is bitter cold in Korea, and many orphaned children still roam the streets and alleys in desperate neglect. All o f them have heart-breaking stories to tell. Help us receive them into our orphanage Homes for loving Christian care and upbringing. This is an opportunity for you to bring new joy and blessing into your own heart. The orphan you select will know that you have his name, photo and life story. Your letters will be answered in English and any packages o f toys or clothing you may choose to send will be gratefully acknowledged.

A student assists a patient in the hospital recovery room. rocco, Niger, Nigeria, N. Rhodesia, S'. Rhodesia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanganyika, Transvaal, United Arab Republic. Europe: Portugal, Sweden Asia: Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaya, New Guinea, E. Pakistan, W. Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos. Latin Am erica: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, British West Indies, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mex-

LARGEST WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA Clip AND MAIL TODAY!--------------------------------- EV ERET T SW A N SO N , Founder and Director □ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number_______ _ If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer 0 Boy, 0 Girl 0 Age. With God's help I will send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for 0 first month, 0 one year. 0 1 cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $--------------------- - 0 Please send folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________

EACH LIFE A TRAGEDY * Like each of the others, little Jae Yung ( X - l) has known the b itte r despair of being alone. Her m other died w hen she w as only a year old. The follow ing year her father, a m edical doctor, d ied. She w as trans­ ferred from an overcrow ded public orphan asylum in 1961. COMPASSION . . . C ares for m ore than 20,000 Korean orphans. M a in ta in s 175 orphanages (includes 15 hom es for children of lepers; deaf, dum b and blind ch ild ren ), supervised by B ib le-b elievin g staff and board of directors. P ro v id e s m ore than 25,000,000 m eals each year. A w a rd e d highest recognition by the Korean governm ent.

Students receive training in the hospitals and SMM classrooms. ico, Netherlands Antilles, Panama, Peru, Surinam, and Venezuela. North Am erica: Canada and the United States of America. What, is the purpose of this in­ tensified training? To put an added and essential tool in the hand of the missionary. To take the ablest of missionary candi- ( continued on page 43)

Address _ City ________

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Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. COM P AS S I ON (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation— Est. 1952 Depf. K24

7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III., 60634 Phone 456-6116



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