King's Business - 1964-02

Improve your knowledge mÊÊÊÊ of the Bible with KEITHL.BROOKS TEACH YOURSELF THE BIBLE SERIES Topical and Bible book studies— 22 courses

alumni news by Inez McGahey Geo r g e ’50 and Lillian Toensfeldt, Batangas, Philippine Islands: “We have moved to Matangas . . . 65 miles south of Manila in an area wide open for the Gospel, where very little has been done. . . . The entire province of Batangas have over 682,000 persons in it. Pray for us as we enter the work in this new area and also continue our language study.” Elcho ’47 and Millie (Kooistra ’46, ’47 SMM) Redding, living in Orange, Califor­ nia, while on furlough: “ In 1959 the Dalai Lama and 80,000 of his people fled to India. Through this, God has given to TEAM missionaries an unprecedented op­ portunity to reach these needy people for Christ. . . . Our missionaries have heen invited to select 100 choice young people and educate them in Christian schools. . . . Forty Tibetan children are in our Christian school. Gelden, the first young man to live with us, is enrolled in Culter Academy, a private Christian school in Los Angeles. . . . There is an immediate need for sixty more sponsors.” While the Reddings are on furlough, Miss Ruth Stam carries on the work among the refugee children. The Reddings plan to return to India in June. Helen Kevorkian ’50, Baptist Mission, Kisoro via Kabale, Uganda, East Africa: “ Recent developments have put some of our Christians in jail — for their protec­ tion! As the arrests were made during the church service, the pastor continued the service at the jail . . . preaching not only to his own congregation but also to others there. . . . The local police arrested some of the nationals who were to be attacked for their protection. . . . This lasted only one day. . . . There are many discouragements . . . hearing about out- school teachers whose lives have been cast away by the cares of the world. . . . Sometimes, the teachers have not been on the station for months . . . for several reasons. Pray with us for wisdom and strength.” Richard and Barbara ’53, ’54 Gibbs, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America: “ In trying to begin churches in Mogi Mirim and Mogi Guacu, we have few key workers. . . . There are two good prospects . . . but they both are weak and defeated Christians to some extent. Pray that each might have a vibrant and victorious Chris­ tian life soon.” Clarence and Dolores (Dunas ’55) Boehm, Fairbanks, Alaska: “ The Chena Commu­ nity Chapel has held its first Vacation Bible School with an average of 35 chil­ dren. . . . Two were saved, including our son Timmy. . . . The Lord has provided enough money for a down payment on a 1963 Rambler Station Wagon, which we needed so badly to transport children to and from Sunday school, to do house call­ ing, and for many other occasions. Our attendance at Sunday school the last two Sundays has been about thirty children, but some are not coming because we lack a junior age teacher.


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"MILDRED'S HAPPY HOME" a Home within a Home for teen-age girls • Christian Counselor • Consulting Christian Psychologist • Phoenix. Christian High School attended Phone AM 6-6786 3324 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix 18, Arizona RECEIVE AN ATTRACTIVE COPY OF AN IND IAN VERSION OF THE 23rd PSALM and a large list of unusual Indian names by contributing $1.00 or more to aid work among Indians of North America. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION, Inc.

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Christ's Mission, Inc. Sea Cliff, New York 11579 Please send me the booklet and Freedom Annuities.”



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