King's Business - 1964-02

Everett Swanson, founder-director of Compassion, Inc., recently was award­ ed an honorary doctor’s degree by the

tian Assembly. Dr. Ford’s chief re­ sponsibilities will be in the field of public relations and conference pro­ gramming. Dr. Bernice T. Cory, editor of the children’s division of Scripture Press Publications, has announced the com­ pletion of a new teacher training film­ strip entitled “ Ties That Bind.” One of a series of nine, this filmstrip for the Cradle Roll Department shows how the Cradle Roll can bind family members together, the church to the home and the home to the church. Rev. Argos Zodhiates, pastor for 16 years of the Evangelical Church o f Katerini, Greece, has been barred from Greece. Immigration officers took the evangelical pastor off a train at the Yugoslav-Greek border as he was returning from England. Security police of the government called him “ undesirable,” accusing him of prose­ lytizing Greek Orthodox Christians. Neither the Church nor the Greek government has been able to prove the charge. In Washington, the Greek Embassy and the U.S. Department of State have received strong protests in regard to this action from the Na­ tional Association of Evangelicals. Bob Pierce, presi­

On December 21, 1963, Dr. Donald G. Davis, professor at the Bible Insti­ tute and Talbot Theological Semi­ nary from 1950-1958, went to be with the Lord. Final services were in charge of Dr. Charles L. Feinberg of Talbot Seminary and Dr. John E. Danish of Berean Church of Irving, Texas. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, and holding degrees frora the University of Southern California^ Northern Baptist Theological Semi­ nary and the University of Edin­ burgh, Dr. Davis enjoyed an outstand­ ing preaching and teaching ministry in various churches and schools. In 1952 he founded Berean Baptist Church of Los Angeles, of which he was pastor at the time of his death. Having served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army during World War II, he was a major in the U.S. Army Re­ serve. He leaves to mourn his wife Ethel, also a trained Christian work­ er, three daughters and two sons, in various stages of training for the Lord’s service, a brother, James, and a host of friends, among whom are many he led to Christ during a fruit­ ful, soul-winning ministry. Philip E. Howard,

Kon Kuk Univer­ sity of Seoul, Korea. He was also given a letter of appreci­ ation by the Min­ istry of Health and Social Affairs of the Republic of Korea for his “ contribu­ tion to the improve- ment of the welfare of the Korean peo­

Dr. Swanson

ple.” Upon his return from Korea, Dr. Swanson announced the appoint­ ment pf Robert Swaney, formerly inter­ national extension director of the Gideons, as assistant executive direc­ tor of Compassion, Inc. Richard W. Cooke has been named Acting Administrator of the National Sunday School Association, following the resignation of Dr. date A. Risley as NSSA Executive Secretary. Former­ ly Director of Promotion for NSSA, Dr. Cooke will now be responsible for the supervision of the many facets of NSSA, as well as serve as Editor- in-Chief of LINK, the monthly NSSA publication. Ralph B. Odman, general secretary of the Unevangelized Fields Mission, has announced the penetration into an­ other tribe in West Irian. Mr. David Scovill and Mr. Stanley Sadlier, accom­ panied by Dani Christians, have tra­ versed high mountain ranges and made peaceful contact with the peo­ ple of “T Valley.” Work has begun at once on building an air-strip and a mission station. Dr. George Ford, executive director of the National Association of Evangeli­ cals, has been named executive vice- president of the Winona Lake Chris­

Jr., former editor and president of The Sunday School Times, died Christ­ mas m o r n in g in Vero Beach, Flori­ da. He was 65 years old. The active serv­ ice of Dr. Howard for the Times be­ gan with his ap­

dent of World Vi­ sion, Inc., is fea­ tured in a new 90- minute film entitled “ So Little Time,” in which the var­ ied ministries of this organization are presented. “ So Little Time” pro­ vides a history of

Dr. Howard

Dr. Pierce

pointment as associate editor in 1927. Between that time and his retirement at the close of 1961, Dr. Howard was associate editor for thirteen years, edi­ tor for nineteen years, and president for thirteen years.

missionary work mainly in Asia dur­ ing the past decade, in addition to showing views of the most recent victories and heartaches in the prog­ ress of missions.


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