King's Business - 1964-02


C l a s s i f i e d Ad s 15 CENTS PER WORD — M IN IM U M $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran­ teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Green­ wood, Mississippi. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composedv ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. ’Throughout (he West... theBibleInstituteHour” 0 #Ip keep the G ó lp e ! on the a ir ’ T il Christ comes In the mirt T in - llilil«» I n s t i t u t e H o u r ] LOS ANGELES 17, CALIFORNIA (See helpful advertisement on inside front cover.) I ROOM RESERVATION N o t e : Please fill in as much infor­ mation as possible Arrival Date — ____ gj____— ...--------------- Day of Week ......__....— ------------- ------ Time of Day ........... ........... Accommodation Desired W ith Bath .......... Without Bath ...... . Amount enclosed as confirmation of reservation $............. Number of Guests __1____ Adults .......... Children ........Plan to Stay: Day(s) ......... Week ........ . Month ......... Desire Infor­ mation Concerning Permanent Residence Name .. Address . City ___

M ISSIONS & ORGANIZATIONS 27 American Indian Mission ,..... 47 28 Assistance in Missions, Inc..... 3 29 Biola Missionary Conference -27 30 Ceylon and Indian General Mission .................. 36 31 Christian Counseling Center 6 32 Compassion ........................40 33 Hindustan Bible Institute ...... 33 34 Mildred's Happy Home .......... 47 35 Woman's Union Missionary Society ............... 6 RADIO 36 Radio Station KBBI ............. 43 37 Radio Station KBBW ............43 SCHOOLS 39 Arizona Bible Institute .......... 46 40 Biola College ................... ...52 41 Elohim Bible Institute .......... 3 42 Le Tourneau College ............31 43 Nat'l Assn, of ChristianSchools 6 44 Pillsbury College ...... 29 45 School of Missionary Medicine 33 46 Talbot Theological Seminary ..46 TRACTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIALS 47 Bible Tracts, Inc.................. 36 48 Story O-Graphs ..................39 RETIREMENT CENTERS 38 Sharon’ Gardens ....’.............47

ANNU ITIES 1 American Messianic Fellowship 3 2 Biola Stewardship Dept.......... 42 3 Christ’s Mission .................. 47 4 Moody Bible Institute .......... 37 5. Pocket Testament League . 39 6 Wheaton College .... 29

AUDIO V ISUAL AIDS 7 Biola Films ..........

38 38 52

8 Compassion, Inc.............. 9 World Vision, Inc. .......

BIBLES AND BOOKS 10 Baker Book House .......... 4 11 Biola Book Room .......... .......35 12 Christian Booksellers Assn.......34 13 Church Press ......... 38 14 Oxford University Press ... 39 15 Pageant Press ...... 36 16 Revel!, Fleming H .............. ...36 17 Zondervan Publishing House ..34 HCME STUDY COURSES 18 Biola Correspondence School ..47 19 Moody Correspondence School 47 HOTELS AND MOTELS 20 Biola Hotel ...................... 2 21 Farm de Ville Motel and 22 Sambo's Restaurant ............ 43

INSURANCE 23 American Temperance Assoc. ..41


M ISCELLANEOUS 24 Babylon Rug Cleaners .......... 6 25 Sangamon Mills ..................36 26 Bill Slife, Realtor ................ 3

49 Gospel Light Publications ...... 19 50 Scripture Press .... 5, 21, 23, 25 51 Standard Publishing ............. 7

USE THIS COUPON TODAY Carefully circle the number of the advertiser listed on the coupon below from whom you desire additional information. No obligation. Cut out the coupon and mail to THE KING 'S BUSINESS Magazine. I THE KING'S BUSINESS Magazine, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Please send me 1 information from the advertisers 1 have carefully circled below. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 2 10 . 18 26 34 42 50 58 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 -5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 1 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 8 16 24 32 40 •48 56 64 Please print NAM E ........ ADDRESS - CITY ............. ....... ...... ............................. ZONE ........ STATE ............................. y J □ Pastor □ Youth Director □ Church Officer □ S.S. Teacher I □ Student □ Music Director □ Other .............................. ..................... j VO ID AFTER APRIL, 1964

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