Embassy in Mexico City, seeking a visa for entrance into the country. The incarceration o f one known Communist such as he was, or a hundred known Communists, depriving them o f the rights which every right-minded, loyal American should have the pri vilege to enjoy is far less an offense than the assassination o f our President. Certainly in the minds o f our founding fathers, the liberty which they provided for Americans as law-abiding indi viduals was never intended to extend to sworn and dedicated enemies o f our system o f government. It is quite readily agreed that there has been extremism mani fested on the part o f an appreciable number o f rightists. We repudiate that attitude and believe that these extremists have grievously erred in their name calling and apparently indiscrimi nate habit o f applying the Communist epithet to all who happen to differ with their convictions. But the thought persists that if the recommendations o f the rightists had been followed even to a relatively small degree, individuals like the one who was suspected o f shooting thé President down would either have been in confinement or at least under far closer surveillance than evidently was the case. Every card-carrying Communist or dedi cated Communist, whether he carries a card or not, is a potential killer because he has pledged himself to assist in the violent over throw o f this country. God alone knows how many Communists there are in the United States who would be delighted to have the opportunity to rub out the Head o f State by assassination or any other effective manner. One such Communistic sympa thizer evidently took advantage o f this opportunity. The result is tragically evident. Certainly this is not to imply that all who lean to the left are Communists, or even Communistic sympathizers, but it is an inescapable fact that way down at the far end o f all leftist ten dencies there is the utterly Godless, religio-political system known as Communism. It is that system that creates anarchy and Presi dent shootings. The great mass o f those at the left end o f the political spectrum are those who would utterly destroy our entire American way o f life and deprive us o f the very privileges that we have enjoyed in these United States for the past 180 years or more. At the worst, the far end o f the rightist position is composed merely o f those who are name callers. We believe it is not accurate to speak o f the extreme rightists and the extreme leftists in the same breath by way o f condemnation. Granted that, at the moment, this is more o f a political than religious conflict, we cannot escape the conviction that in the final analysis this political situation, if allowed to continue, will become a religious situation and that is where we as the church o f Jesus Christ become actively involved and concerned. We believe, there fore, it is time the church o f Jesus Christ was taking a very active part in doing everything possible to curtail influences in our be loved country which can only lead to its destruction. (continued on page 29)
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