Ethos Webinar: Facebook for Agents

Facebook Marketing for Agents

Phillip Lee Director of Product Martech

September 21, 2022 4:00 PM PT

Facebook Marketing Tactics to Help You Generate Leads Efficiently


Friendly Reminders

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While waiting for others to come in, here are some rules and reminders to keep in mind.


Questions will be answered at the live Q&A after the presentation.

Caroline Hendrick Senior Marketing Manager, Paid Social

Farhan Kaskar Engineering Manager, Martech

About the Speakers

Phillip Lee Director of Product, Martech

Vishal Sankhla Vice President of Product

Learning Agenda What we'll discuss today

Facebook Ads Overview

Campaign Setup

Audiences & Targeting

Optimizing Your Campaigns

Free Tools

Questions & Answers

Advertisers spent $115 billion on Facebook Ads in 2021 With over 3 billion active users and detailed targeting, Facebook is one of the top advertising platforms

Why Advertise on Facebook




Granular Targeting

Facebook reaches over 3 billion users globally on multiple apps including the main Facebook App, Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp Unrivaled Scale

As one of the more mature advertising platforms, Facebook's ad manager is flexible enough to serve both individuals and large enterprise businesses Self Serve Ads Manager

Utilizing device IDs, personal information, pixels deployed across the web, and more Facebook has one of the largest marketable identity graphs on par with Google

Identity Data = Ad Serving Data

People You Are Connected To

Physical Locations You've Visited

IP Address of Everywhere You've Used Facebook

Probabilistic Interest Segmentation

Websites You've Visited

Want to see your own data? Start Here.

How the Facebook Ad Auction Works


How Do I Get Started With Facebook Advertising?

And how can I generate leads?

Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Ads Manager

Business Manager is your "command center" where you can manage your business page and multiple ad accounts

Ads Manager is where you can manage individual ad accounts and is a part of Business Manager

How Do I Set Up A Campaign? Practical tips and advice

Awareness (Brand)

Direct Response (Lead Generation)

Educate and generate demand

Capture demand

Facebook Ad Policies Advertisers must not create lead ads questions to request the following types of information without our prior written permission.

Account Numbers Criminal History Financial Information Governmental Issued IDs Health Information Insurance Information

Political Affiliation Race or Ethnicity Religion Sexual Orientation Prefill Questions

Facebook uses a combination of automated and manual review systems to check that ads comply with Facebook's advertising policies. Often times ads may be mistakenly flagged by automated systems. Advertisers can appeal and request for manual review.

Trade Union Membership Usernames or Passwords

Facebook Ad Policy


Facebook Campaign Hierarchy It starts with your objective



Ad Set

Ad Set

Ads Ads Ads

Ads Ads Ads

Knowing how to setup your campaigns will allow you to reach the right users and more granular control over your ads

This structure allows you to set the campaign objective, ad set targeting and modify creative at the ad level.

Online Life Insurance Leads

$10-150 Varies by quality and source

90% of Leads do NOT convert in the first 24 hours. We recommend constantly generating leads to nurture that will eventually convert to future customers.

Cost vs. Quality Conversion rates vary


greatly depending on the level of granularity with targeting





Bidding on a broader audience may cost less but the quality may be lower Knowing your funnel and optimizing for the unit economics that make sense for your business will help you succeed with Facebook Ads









How do I target the right users?

Demographic and Behavioral filters help you reach the right audience

Facebook allows you to target users by:






Relationship Status





How Can I Optimize My Campaigns? Tips to Increase Campaign Performance

Know Your Funnel



Example Funnel







"ROAS" or Return on Ad Spend is a metric used by marketers to determine the efficiency of their campaigns


ROAS can be calculated by taking Total Revenue from channel like Facebook and dividing by the Total Ad Spend (Cost)

It takes time for the Facebook algorithm to optimize ad serving to your audience 2 weeks The more data Facebook receives on the campaign, the better it is able to optimize

Give time for campaigns to learn or "bake". Facebook campaigns exit the learning phase when they have roughly 50 or so optimization events.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Landing Page

1% average conversion rate of landing pages

Small changes can have a big impact on conversion rates. Moving Calls To Action above the fold, optimizing how quickly the site loads, or incorporating symmetric messaging have all shown measurable increases in landing page conversion rates

The Facebook Ad Campaign Lifecycle




Law of Sh*tty Clickthroughs: "Over time, all marketing strategies result in sh*tty clickthrough rates."

Over time campaigns become stale and performance will start to drop. Refreshing and testing new creative, copy and audiences will keep campaigns fresh.

"Signal" refers to the data that is sent back to Facebook to help optimize campaigns. The more feedback that Facebook receives, the better the Facebook algorithm can optimize campaigns.


Conversions events can be sent using a web pixel or server to server via Facebook's Conversion API


What Free Tools Can I Use for Facebook Ads? Top free tools to uplevel your Facebook marketing

Ad Creative: Ethos Creatives

Free Ethos Creatives

Please note: Any usage of the Ethos Name or Logo not already pre-approved requires review by the Ethos Marketing and Compliance Teams

Ad Creative: Canva

Free Creative Editor

Ad Creative: Unsplash

Free Stock Photos

Ad Education: Facebook Blueprint

Free Training on Facebook Marketing

Ad Research: Facebook Ads Library

View Ads by Other Companies

Ad Research: Answer the Public

View Popular Autofill Topics

Ad Research: Google Trends

View Search Trends

Want more resources for growing your insurance business? Book a meeting with an Ethos rep today.

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Send us a message at if you have any questions.

Resource Page

Register for Facebook Business Account



Facebook Ad Library

Answer the Public

Google Trends

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