Have Mynde brochure 2024



Taking centre stage Lower School This year has seen another full performance schedule at the Lower School, allowing our talented girls to shine in many ways. As the leaves turned colour and slowly fell to the ground, the Lower School Music Department was in full steam ahead for celebrating autumn. The lovely church of St Thomas’ accommodated us for a special Harvest Festival service for our Infant pupils. Girls shone with their sparkly cut out stars while serenading the congregation with ‘Catch a Falling Star’ . The programme continued with percussion instruments and brightly coloured displays of poems. Next up up was our Infants’ spectacular rendition of ‘A King is Born’ . Dressed in their nativity outfits and singing Christmas songs, the performance created a special festive feel to close the winter term. The Queen’s School Parents’ Association (QSPA) and Mrs O’Hare worked extremely hard on preparing a community event Carols by Candlelight . The event was full of audience participation, and lots of laughter and fun was enjoyed throughout the evening. Everyone loved the mince pies and the girls’ rendition of ‘Rudolph’ ! In March, over 14 pupils took part in an afternoon piano recital. From those just beginning to learn the instrument, to our more accomplished performers, it was a lovely occasion to celebrate our hard working peripatetic teachers and the wonderful, gifted musicians we have in school. As winter turned its corner, we celebrated spring with our annual Daffodil Service . Both choirs – Nightingales and Queen’s Young Voices – performed, with every year group also performing a song that they had been working on. As the girls pinned daffodils to form a cross, a moment of unity and reflection was clear. It was, of course, Mrs Wallace­ Woodroffe ’s last Daffodil Service, and the girls did Queen’s proud by hosting such a memorable event. Both Nightingales and Queen’s Young Voices joined forces to compete in the Chester Competitive Festival of Performing

Arts , conducted by Queen’s choral leader, Mrs O’Hare. After their rendition of ‘Try Everything’ and ‘Revolting Children’ , the girls were awarded Highly Commended and left with a trophy. Year 2 pupils were fortunate enough to visit Upton Dene Nursing Home when Little Beat , a community based charity, reached out to the School to join their project. The girls joined Amanda Wrigley in singing well known songs with the residents. In May, Making Maestros asked the Nightingale Choir to visit the nursing home again, but this time performing with student nurses who have been working on a singing project led by Mrs O’Hare. In the spring term, Year 3 and 4 performed ‘Whiz Wham Alakazham’ , telling a story of wizards who had to work as a team to save the sun and prevent ice creatures from taking their castle. All pupils did a fantastic job creating their characters, putting together costumes, and even creating their own spells to perform. Our Summer Serenade in June marked a lovely occasion where parents were treated to a musical showcase by pupils who had received peripatetic music lessons. From solos to ensembles and larger groups of the orchestra, string groups, Nightingales and Queen’s Young Voices , it was a truly delightful way to spend a warm, sunny evening.

1 2 Infant Nativity performance



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